Ben Snedden

Job Titles:
  • Family Law

David Amodeo

Job Titles:
  • Family Law
David is a barrister specialising in Family Law who prides himself on being able to offer good and practical advice to clients in all areas of Family Law and at any level. David has over 20 years of experience and regularly undertakes briefs in respect to Relationship Property, Care of Children, Estate Litigation, Adoption, PPPR and care and protection (CYFS) cases. He has also been instructed by the Family and High Court to act for children as a member of the Senior Lawyer for Child Panel and as Counsel to assist the Court, and is a member of the panel of Mental Health (Compulsory Treatment) Act lawyers. David has also been a member of the ADLS Family Law Committee and presented seminars to assist in the development of other lawyers. David also works with clients in forming plans and structures to protect assets both before and during relationships from claims arising from relationship breakdowns. He has close relationships with other professionals to ensure that such planning is as effective as possible in allowing for whatever the future may be. As a Mediator qualified through the New Zealand Law Society David is also able to undertake mediations to assist parties in any dispute to try to work through any problems and ideally reach positive decisions themselves. He is able to undertake either FDR mediations or at a private level. David recognises that the individual needs for each particular client and their particular situation require a careful plan to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved, whether that plan calls for skill in representation in Court, negotiation with other professionals or both.

Usha Patel

Job Titles:
  • Family Law
  • Specialist
Usha is a specialist Family Law Barrister. A member of Hobson Chambers, she accepts instructions in Property, Care of Children, Children and Young Persons, Adoption, Dissolution and most other areas of Family Law. She also undertakes appellate work. Usha is also qualified as a mediator and undertakes private mediation. Usha has been practising more than 35 years, 25 years as a specialist. She is a Senior Counsel for Child; she regularly presents seminars for New Zealand Law Society; she has been a member of, and has chaired, relevant law Society Committees.

Vivienne Crawshaw

Job Titles:
  • King 's Counsel ( KC )
Vivienne Crawshaw specialises solely in family law with a particular focus on relationship property matters and cases involving children. She was admitted to the Bar in 1988. She is a member of the Lawyer for Child panel. Vivienne has presented papers to the International Bar Association Conference, the NZ Family Law Conference and to members of the NZ Law Society throughout the country. She appears as counsel in relationship property and children's cases at family court and appellate level.