IVEEW - Key Persons

Alexander Liubuyshyn - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
Alex leads development at iVeew. He oversees the development team consisting of seven full-stack developers, MS Asp.Net.MVC 4.5 front-end developers and IOS, Android and Windows mobile developers. He is a full-stack engineer with specialities in ASP.net MVC 4.5 and iOS, Android and Windows mobile app development. He has a Masters Degree in Computer Engineering and has developed applications software for wearables and Bluetooth LE devices.

Tom Griffin - CEO, Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • President
Tom Griffin is a seasoned CEO & Founder of several companies focused on business development, product and services for the travel & hospitality industry. Through strategic foresight and determination, he has built a strong foundation for a successful launch of the newest enterprise, iVeew, Inc. In 2015, Tom started iVeew with a vision to fill a void in the travel & hospitality industry - that is, better communication between travelers and travel service providers. Tom recognized that mobile was becoming a major factor in everyday life at home, work and during travel. He led an iVeew team in building a better way to connect travelers with what interested travelers the most during their journeys.