TEK 2 SPORT - Key Persons

Philippe Meilleur - President

Job Titles:
  • President
For nearly 20 years, Philippe Meilleur has developed advanced expertise in creating and developing affordable sports equipment for hockey, golf, and recreation. His experiences in the world of sports have allowed him to cultivate values such as teamwork, self-improvement, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. A graduate of the University of Sherbrooke, Philippe has effectively developed and managed numerous sourcing and manufacturing strategies. He is an expert in production cost planning and control. Over the years, he has built an international network of professional and reliable partners, which he now leverages at TEK 2 Sport.TEK 2 Sport. Philippe is recognized for his natural leadership and interpersonal skills, making him a unifying individual - invaluable assets for facing business challenges. On numerous occasions, he has demonstrated dynamic delivery of products that meet very high-quality standards, all while keeping costs low.

Robert Fortier - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President
Robert Fortier served in the Canadian Armed Forces Dental Services for 20 years. He retired with the prestigious rank of Lieutenant Colonel, a senior officer role where he took on numerous command responsibilities. His outstanding services provided a comprehensive range of care that contributed to the operational readiness of the Forces, while also serving the national interests of Canada. Throughout the years, Robert also taught at Dalhousie University. He provided clinical education and delivered numerous practical and theoretical courses throughout Quebec. He served as the president of the Canadian Academy of Periodontology. Rigor, adaptability, and leadership are essential qualities that Robert developed during his military career. He brings to TEK 2 Sport a strong business acumen acquired through various management roles.