ENACTUSJMI - Key Persons

Madhur Kushwaha - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
As the Head of the Technical department, I always intend to foster teamwork, integrity and inclusion among the team members. I firmly believe that technology is best when it brings people together, and at Enactus, I have had the opportunity to implement this. The department strives to provide digital and technical assistance to the entire team, all the while working towards the common goal of creating a better future for the members of our community and making an impact on our society.

Nawaz Ahmed Khan - President

Job Titles:
  • President
There is beauty in the courage of the fragile fighter, those who persevere despite all they've been through. " It is this belief that's been a constant throughout my journey in Enactus. Everyday here brings a new challenge, and along with it new opportunities to help the underprivileged communities of our society.