Dr. Mary Luther

Dr. Mary Luther DC has a passion for improving the lives of those in her care. Through her practice, Dr. Luther is proud of the positive changes she sees in all of her patients who seek her to help with weight loss, neuropathy, clinical nutrition and Body Contouring, and other health related conditions. Dr. Luther understands that true health is in unique journey for everyone. Customizing your weight loss, neuropathy or health related journey includes genetic testing to understand more about the way your body functions and the unique strengths and weaknesses you're working with. The data and insight gleaned from these advanced tests are wonderful, but no amount of data can replace the personal connection you'll find at Metabolic Weight Loss Centers. Dr. Luther and her team remain in close contact with you as you navigate your journey through health. You're encouraged to reach out by text to express concerns, ask questions, or share your progress. The sense of community created by that level of communication is a big part of why Dr. Luther and her team has such an impressive success rate.