Dr. Tamara Raphaeli

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Psychologist
Hi, I'm Dr. Tamara Raphaeli. I affirm you for searching for the right therapist to support you. You don't have to stay stuck in the same gridlock arguments with your partner. You don't need to "just deal with" your insomnia and stress, or "get over" things from the past that you've never really worked through. You don't have to manage depression or Bipolar disorder with medication alone. You don't have to figure out how to stop oversleeping, overthinking, overdrinking (or whatever your go-to may be) on your own. Whether you relate to one, several, or all of the experiences above, the 1:1 support of therapy can be a valuable part of your ongoing self-care and maintenance for managing your mood, anxiety, and those all-too-familiar self-sabotaging patterns that pop up when you don't stay on top of your routines. Dr. Tamara Raphaeli is a Clinical Psychologist licensed in the state of Tennessee. She specializes in treating trauma (PTSD), anxiety, depression, life transitions, eating disorders, codependency, and substance abuse. Dr. Raphaeli utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other mindfulness-based modalities to work with her clients from a strengths-based, relational approach. As appropriate, she also enjoys weaving in clients' spirituality into the therapeutic process, and has studied Buddhism, Kabbalah, Christianity and Hinduism. Dr. Raphaeli received a BA from Marquette University and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology in Chicago.