Scott Dordick - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Founder of Acratech Inc Which Is the Parent Company
Scott Dordick is the founder and CEO of Opal Instruments. Scott has been designing and manufacturing products for the Aerospace, automotive and photographic industries for over 25 years. Scott has over 15 US Patents. After learning the ukulele. Scott decided to put his design experience to work, crafting an electric ukulele that would really rock. Subsequently, Scott met Sam Radding*. Sam is a master luthier and has generously helped Scott refine his designs and techniques. The result? So great you have to hear it to believe it. Scott is also the founder of Acratech Inc which is the parent company of Opal Instruments and is world renowned for its high quality, innovative photographic equipment.