VIRTUREAL - Key Persons

Dinesh Kumar Verma - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Joint Managing Director
DK is a creative thinker and a versatile leader, alumnus of Delhi College of Engineering, IIM-Calcutta and JIMS. DK has complemented academic excellence with professional success, with solid track record of 27 years adding values to "Intelligent building projects" and meeting stiff targets with consummate ease. He is also a Member of Institution of Engineers (MIE)

Ravi Chandra

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director
Ravi is jack of all and a good analyzer of situations, alumnus of CBIT, JNTU-H and an ADVOCATE. Ravi has extensive experience in planning and project management. He is responsible for technology research and development, implementation and project delivery at virtureal. He is also a Member of Institution of Engineers (MIE) and Institution of Valuers India (FIV). Ravi's ability to create compatibility between design and data management ensures seamless coordination of workflow among his team and all involved partners. He provides management of the entire BIM. Delivery for all disciplines, including design validation, 4D simulation, shop drawing production, as-built incorporation, site-based BIM, material, quantities take-off, interdisciplinary design coordination, and detailed oversight of structural modeling and delivery. Ravi's dynamic mind and aptitude of self-training has given him the skills to offer a level of command in software development few can match. He works closely with the virtureal team to foresee project obstructions and offer innovative solutions. Today, he continues to develop his initiative and insightful skills.