Clara Morrison

Clara is a fifth-year undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Physics with minors in Psychology and Computer Science. They are fascinated by how modern technology and the brain intersect, especially when it comes to the instrumentation of imaging and the analysis and visualization of MRI data through code. This has motivated them to volunteer at CSNL for their 3rd year, where they've done everything from data visualization and analysis to audio editing and running subjects. In their free time, they enjoy playing music (including the mellophone in the Oregon Athletic Bands), cooking extravagant meals at 2am, taking care of their perpetually dying plants, and playing video games with their friends.

Debbie Okeke

Debbie is a second-year undergraduate student at the University of Oregon. She is pursuing a B.S. in Neuroscience. This is her second year at the lab and she is excited to learn more about how different brain functions are involved with perceptions of ourselves and others. She is especially interested in learning how diverse life experiences shape the way our brains perceive events. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family.

Dr. Rob Chavez

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Psychology
  • Lab Director

Madison Young

Madison is a forth-year undergraduate student at the University of Oregon pursuing concurrent degrees in Psychology (BS) & Spanish (BA). This is their second year working in the lab and they are excited to deepen their knowledge on research processes and the brain regions associated with self-referential thought. They are particularly interested in research that involves improving people's individual experience of life. In their free time, they enjoy doing arts and crafts, staying active, listening to music, and hanging out with friends.

Michael Saccio

Michael is in his fourth year pursuing a B.S. in Data Science with a concentration in economics and a math minor. Stepping into his first year at the CSNL, he's looking forward to gaining new knowledge and adding his own insights to the team's innovative research. He's passionate about delving into data and revealing the stories it tells-a skill he also brings to the CSNL. When he's not analyzing data or busy in the lab, Michael enjoys cooking, going for runs, and relaxing with music and competitive video games.

Nate Holley

Nate is a fourth-year undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Data Science with a focus on marketing analytics as well as a math minor. This is his first year at CSNL and he anticipates gaining valuable experience as he works to draw insights from the team's research data. He is excited to contribute to the analysis capabilities of the CSNL while also learning more about fMRI research and analysis techniques. Outside of the lab, he enjoys playing guitar, watching documentaries, and going for walks.

Rachel Jacobson

Rachel Jacobson is interested in how individuals' social identities influence their identity development, social perceptions and interactions with others. In particular, her work focuses on populations with multiple identities (e.g., biracials and biculturals), in both how they are perceived and the impressions they form of others.