OSU-MGR - History of Changes

2024-12-05 delete person Dr. Anthony Koppers
2024-12-05 delete person Dr. Emily Cahoon
2024-12-05 insert person Kara Vadman
2024-12-05 update person_title Dr. Joseph Stoner: As Co - Director of the OSU - MGR Joe Oversees All Repository Activities and Final Approval of All Sample Requests => As Director of the OSU - MGR Joe Oversees All Repository Activities and Final Approval of All Sample Requests.
2023-05-22 delete phone 107460
2023-05-22 insert person Dr. Emily Cahoon
2022-07-04 insert phone 107460
2022-05-29 delete person Bobbi Conard
2022-05-29 delete person Kevin Konrad
2021-06-23 delete service_pages_linkeddomain nsf.gov
2021-06-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2021-06-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2021-06-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2021-06-23 insert service_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2021-04-24 delete service_pages_linkeddomain coas.oregonstate.edu
2021-02-17 delete source_ip
2021-02-17 insert source_ip
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain ceoas.oregonstate.edu
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain coas.oregonstate.edu
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain elegantthemes.com
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain nsf.gov
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain oregonstate.edu
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain washington.edu
2020-03-30 delete about_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2020-03-30 delete person Dr. David Christie
2020-03-30 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain elegantthemes.com
2020-03-30 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2020-03-30 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2020-03-30 update person_description Bobbi Conard => Bobbi Conard
2020-03-30 update person_title Dr. Anthony Koppers: As Co - Principal Investigator Anthony Oversees the Hard Rock Collection and Digital Conversion of the Repository Records => As Co - Director Anthony Oversees the Hard Rock Collection and Digital Conversion of the Repository Records
2020-03-30 update person_title Dr. Joseph Stoner: As Principle Investigator of the OSU - MGR Joe Oversees All Repository Activities and Final Approval of All Sample Requests => As Co - Director of the OSU - MGR Joe Oversees All Repository Activities and Final Approval of All Sample Requests
2020-01-27 delete email co..@coas.oregonstate.edu
2020-01-27 delete person Coquille Rex
2020-01-27 insert about_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2020-01-27 insert email os..@oregonstate.edu
2020-01-27 insert phone (+1) 541-737-8210
2019-04-20 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-04-20 delete address 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503
2019-04-20 insert address 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97333
2019-04-20 update primary_contact 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503 => 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97333
2019-04-14 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-02-02 delete address 104 CEOAS Admin Building Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503
2019-02-02 delete address Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences complex on the corner of 30th St. and SW Western Avenue, Corvallis OR
2019-02-02 delete fax +1 (541) 737-2064
2019-02-02 delete phone +1 (541) 737-2808
2019-02-02 delete phone +1 (541) 737-8210
2019-02-02 insert address 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503
2019-02-02 update person_description Kevin Konrad => Kevin Konrad
2019-02-02 update primary_contact 104 CEOAS Admin Building Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503 => 4700 SW Research Way Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503
2018-07-28 delete management_pages_linkeddomain coas.oregonstate.edu
2018-07-28 delete person Dr. Robert Hatfield
2018-03-10 update robots_txt_status osu-mgr.org: 404 => 200
2018-03-10 update robots_txt_status www.osu-mgr.org: 404 => 200