CATAPOWER - Key Persons

Dr. Michael Giardello - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Founding Partner at Mount Wilson Ventures
Dr. Michael Giardello is a founding partner at Mount Wilson Ventures, which focuses on investing in and advising early-stage companies in the physical sciences space. Previously, he was a cofounder and CEO of Materia Inc. for 15+ years. He has 25+ years of experience in technology development.

Dr. Travis Williams - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Scientific Advisor
  • Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southern California
Catapower was founded when Yao and Travis discovered how to transform a low-value byproduct into lactate salts. This invention is the foundation for Catapower's products and is the blueprint for future discoveries. Dr. Travis Williams is a tenured Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southern California and a coinventor of Catapower's core IP. He also serves on the faculty advisory committee for the USC Stevens Center for Innovation. Dr. Williams also serves as the Senior Advisor for Closed Composites.

Dr. Zhiyao Lu

Dr. Zhiyao Lu is a coinventor of Catapower's core IP. He subsequently assisted dozens of startup ventures in his role as a Blavatnik Fellow at Yale University. Dr. Lu is uniquely positioned to provide help guide Catapower's growth in both the technical and business development fronts.