Alberto Gonçalves Almeida

Job Titles:
  • Team Leader and Responsible for the Storage Facilities
Alberto joined the family business in 2002 as a mover and handler. His many years in the field have given him a confirmed experience in the transport and moving sector.

Guillaume Aebi

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Family Business, Chasseur Express, As Co - Director
Guillaume Aebi joined the family business, Chasseur Express, as co-director in 2015. He also worked in aeronautics for over seven years in charge of VIP clients for a business aviation company. He obtained a diploma from the hotel management school of Geneva and a certificate as apprentiship-master in this domain. All of which has given him a solid knowledge of management.

Jean-Pierre Aebi

Job Titles:
  • Director
Jean-Pierre Aebi joined the company in early 2000 and became general director in 2003. By developing a strategy of diversified activities, he set up the present-day competance. His son, Guillaume Aebi, joined him in 2015. Together they created the necessary conditions to ensure quality offer and financial security in a competitive sector. For both of them, the heart of their professionnal mission is the direct person-to-person relationship. To listen to the client's need and gain their confidence. Jean-Pierre Aebi has twenty years experience as administrator of Chasseur Express. Previously, he worked twenty years in aeronautics, as pilot and flight-director for a private aviation company. In 2006, he passed the professional certificate of capacity for national and international road merchandise transportation (ASTAG). Equally in politics for twenty years, Jean-Pierre Aebi occupied the posts of concillor, of administrator and Mayor of the Carouge town.

Suely Miranda

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Suely joined the company in 2020 as an administrative assistant. Suely benefits from several experiences in administrative tasks which she now uses in the transport environment.