Alex Gavrish

Job Titles:
  • Founder and CEO of Etalon Capital Ltd
Alex Gavrish is a founder and CEO of Etalon Capital Ltd. Alex was born and grew up in Kiev, Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, and immigrated to Israel at the age of 18. He is the author of four books: Wall Street: Back to Basics, which explains how investors can achieve greater success in managing their investments and make better investment decisions. In his second book Story Investing he proposes to look at companies and stocks as stories, and shows that the narrative mode of thinking is complementary to analytical one and not its enemy. Using techniques and insights from storytelling and fiction literature, investors can be more creative and finally practice the art part of investing. Time Investing is an effort to better understand time - one of the most difficult aspects of the investment practice. Risk Investing proposes investors to solve "the observer and the observed" paradox and risk problem by looking at the level of an individual security or company itself, as opposed to top-down portfolio and risk limits. Alex has an MBA degree from Technion, Israel.