Charlotte Davison

Charlotte has worked part-time for Food Microbiology Solutions Ltd since 2017. Charlotte helps with business administration and organising training courses. Previously, Charlotte has worked for Johnson and Johnson for 11 years as a Marketing Assistant in their busy EMEA Orthopaedic Marketing department.

Marissa Schwoch

Marissa has 25 years' experience working in food microbiology and food safety; with specific expertise in the microbiological safety of dairy and ready-to-eat food. Her skills range from investigating complex microbiological issues through to more general technical management. Marissa is an IFST registered Food Safety Manager, Highfield trainer, and a SALSA auditor and mentor. She has experience in incident management, HACCP, training, working with laboratories, risk assessment and interpretation of results. After gaining a degree in Microbiology from the University of Surrey, Marissa joined the Product Safety team at Sainsburys, and later moved to Arla Foods where she held a number of technical roles including Group Food Safety Manager/Company Microbiologist. Marissa has a keen interest in artisan food. She sits on the Technical Committee of the Specialist Cheesemakers Association (SCA) and provides technical support and training to artisan producers and Enforcement Officers.