Ilham Umar

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Graduated with an LLB from the International Islamic University Malaysia, Ilham is dedicated to human-rights related issues and charitable causes. Currently working as a lawyer in Kuala Lumpur, she splits her hectic schedule between spending time with family and volunteering with the Rohingya refugee community in Malaysia.

Maryam Hamzah

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
An architecture graduate currently working as a content producer and graphic designer, Maryam's heart has always gravitated towards community work and giving back.

Nadiah Adnan

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Graduated with an MSc in Anthropology and Development from the LSE and a BA in Sociology from the University of Warwick, Nadiah is passionate about humanitarian causes and charity work. Currently working at an international company in Kuala Lumpur, she splits her free time between the gym, travelling and volunteering with the Rohingya refugee community in Malaysia.