Chris Hewitt

Job Titles:
  • Edinburgh Director, Designer & Developer
Always looking to expand his skill set Chris enjoys creative hobbies such as photography & painting as well as others such as canoeing, snowboarding, playing instruments & generally spending time with his family & friends.

David Marcus

Job Titles:
  • Sales London / London
Working alongside Julian, David manages the UK side of the business. Graduating from Westminster University with a Honours Degree in Business Studies, David went on and completed his Diploma in Marketing. Aside from his passion for Newcastle United, David lives and breathes for online. Regardless of client size, David delivers the same high level of energy, experience and expertise. All solutions are backed by solid marketing principles and supported by production, project management and customer service expertise.

Ezekiel Diaz

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager / Gibraltar
Ezekiel is our new project manager who will do everything he can to ensure all our clients are completely satisfied. He studied Business Management in Spain and Sweden. His passion for business led him to study a Masters in International Business, where he learnt what a business should know and do to compete globally. He just loves advising companies how to develop their competitive advantage to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and achieve their targets.

Julian Byrne

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director / Gibraltar
Julian is keen on helping small businesses get off the ground. With a degree in advertising and experience as a creative, he is always excited about new ideas. Seeing other business owners reap great success from Piranha Designs work, Julian is always looking for opportunities to grow. Julian has two teenage girls, is involved with charity work, loves surfing and was the chair of Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses for 6 years.

Patricia Bedeli Diaz

Job Titles:
  • Director / Gibraltar
With a degree in Tourism and Business Studies, Patricia has helped the business grow. Since the moment she joined the team in 2003, Pat had plenty of ideas on how to improve our services and offering. Responsible for Human Resources, Patricia is keen to make Piranha a great place to work. Patricia is married to Julian, who together, make a great team. With two young daughters and a heart for helping others, she is always striving for the best results.

Yewhung Chin

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Head
  • Head of Design
He loves all things sporting, especially football, golf and snooker, where with the latter he has won numerous trophies in Gibraltar. Yewhung is involved with church and charity work, and has in the past worked at an orphanage in China which proved to be life changing.