Local Contacts

Viamonte 1432 - Buenos Aires Argentina

Primary Contacts

Viamonte 1432 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Other Addresses

20th Cochrane Colloquium. Auckland, New Zealand
21st Cochrane Colloquium. Quebec, Canada
22nd Cochrane Colloquium. Hyderabad, India
23rd Cochrane Colloquium. Vienna, Austria
24th Cochrane Colloquium. Seoul, South Korea
26th Cochrane Colloquium. Edinburgh, Scotland
62nd annual meeting of ASRM. New Orleans,USA
63th annual meeting of ASRM. Washington, USA
64th annual meeting of ASRM. San Francisco, USA
65th annual meeting of ASRM 2009. Atlanta, USA
69 th annual meeting of ASRM. Boston, USA
71 st annual meeting of ASRM 2015. Baltimore, USA
HTAi 10th Annual Meeting. Seul, Korea
ISPOR 3rd Latin America Conference. Mexico DF, Mexico

Other Phones

+1 (718) 475-9269
+54 (11) 5031-2060
+61 (7) 3 106-8961