HCNM - History of Changes

2024-06-03 delete personal_emails da..@osce.org
2024-06-03 insert personal_emails da..@gov.mt
2024-06-03 delete person Ambassador Bruce G. Berton
2024-06-03 delete person Ambassador Clemens Koja
2024-06-03 delete person Boni Cvetanovska
2024-06-03 delete person David Dadge
2024-06-03 delete person Gelfiya Shchienko
2024-06-03 delete person Jürgen Heissel
2024-06-03 delete person Tuula Yrjölä
2024-06-03 insert person Ambassador Antti Karttunen
2024-06-03 insert person Ambassador Michel Tarran
2024-06-03 insert person Dr. Kari Johnstone
2024-06-03 insert person Kate Fearon
2024-06-03 insert person Philippe Tremblay
2024-06-03 update person_title Alexandra Taylor: Chief Media Relations Unit; Acting Head / Communications and Media Relations => Chief Media Relations Unit
2023-10-19 insert personal_emails da..@osce.org
2023-10-19 delete person Igli Hasani
2023-10-19 delete person Kateryna Ryabiko
2023-10-19 delete person Luca Fratini
2023-10-19 insert person David Dadge
2023-10-19 update person_title Alexandra Taylor: Acting Head of Communications and Media Relations Section; Acting Head / Communications and Media Relations => Chief Media Relations Unit; Acting Head / Communications and Media Relations
2023-10-19 update person_title Tea Jaliashvili: Acting Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe => First Deputy Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
2023-08-14 insert otherexecutives Paula Jahn
2023-08-14 insert personal_emails pa..@osce.org
2023-08-14 delete person Antonius Van den Brandt
2023-08-14 insert person Dane Koruga
2023-08-14 insert person Paula Jahn
2023-07-11 insert chairman Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk
2023-07-11 delete person Ambassador Guido De Sanctis
2023-07-11 delete person Natalia Iampolskaia
2023-07-11 insert person Ambassador Bruce G. Berton
2023-07-11 update person_title Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk: Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson - in - Office on the Conflict Dealt With by the OSCE Minsk Conference; Ambassador => Chairman; Representative; Ambassador
2023-06-07 delete person Ambassador Pierre von Arx
2023-06-07 delete person Gunnar Vrang
2023-06-07 insert person Ambassador Clemens Koja
2023-06-07 insert person Natalia Iampolskaia
2023-06-07 update person_title Alexandra Taylor: OSCE Chief Media Relations / Communications and Media Relations; OSCE Chief Media Relations Communications and Media Relations Section => Acting Head of Communications and Media Relations Section; Acting Head / Communications and Media Relations
2023-01-23 delete personal_emails ba..@msz.gov.pl
2023-01-23 delete person Bartosz Kempiński
2023-01-23 insert person Boni Cvetanovska
2022-12-22 insert person Kateryna Ryabiko
2022-11-20 delete person Ambassador Clemens Koja
2022-11-20 delete person Ambassador Henrik Villadsen
2022-11-20 delete person Andrii Dziubenko
2022-11-20 delete person Vincenzo Del Monaco
2022-11-20 insert person Ambassador Guido De Sanctis
2022-11-20 insert person Ambassador Kilian Wahl
2022-10-19 delete person Dr. Susan Penksa
2022-10-19 delete person Richard Wheeler
2022-10-19 insert person Brian Aggeler
2022-10-19 update person_title Volker Frobarth: Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Nur - Sultan => Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana
2022-09-18 delete person Christophe Kamp
2022-09-18 delete person Valeriu Chiveri
2022-09-18 insert person Tea Jaliashvili
2022-09-18 insert person Vincenzo Del Monaco
2022-08-16 delete person Antje Grawe
2022-08-16 delete person Kathleen Kavalec
2022-08-16 insert person Dr. Susan Penksa
2022-04-15 delete personal_emails ni..@osce.org
2022-04-15 delete person Ambassador Yaşar Halit Çevik
2022-04-15 delete person Saule Mukhametrakhimova
2022-04-15 insert person Antje Grawe
2022-04-15 insert person Gunnar Vrang
2022-04-15 insert person Nino Sukhitashvili
2022-03-15 insert otherexecutives Hans Francis Felber-Charbonneau
2022-03-15 insert otherexecutives Nadiia Kaidanovych
2022-03-15 insert personal_emails ba..@msz.gov.pl
2022-03-15 delete person Ambassador György Varga
2022-03-15 delete person Ann Linde
2022-03-15 delete person Anna Vorobeva
2022-03-15 delete person Colin McCullough
2022-03-15 delete person Dragana Nikolic-Solomon
2022-03-15 delete person Mehmet Paçacı
2022-03-15 delete person Mersiha Causevic-Podzic
2022-03-15 delete person Nicole Jawerth
2022-03-15 delete person Tove Wennergren
2022-03-15 delete person Vuk Žugić
2022-03-15 insert person Ambassador Dominique Waag
2022-03-15 insert person Bartosz Kempiński
2022-03-15 insert person Hans Francis Felber-Charbonneau
2022-03-15 insert person Igli Hasani
2022-03-15 insert person Nadiia Kaidanovych
2022-03-15 insert person Richard Wheeler
2022-03-15 insert person Zbigniew Rau
2022-03-15 update person_title Ambassador Michael Davenport: Head of Mission in Kosovo; Ambassador => Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo; Ambassador
2021-10-01 delete person Katarzyna Gardapkhadze
2021-10-01 update person_title Colonel Claes Nilsson: Head; Head of the OSCE High - Level Planning Group => Head; Head of the OSCE High - Level Planning Group, Vienna, 17 September 2021.
2021-08-31 delete personal_emails ts..@osce.org
2021-08-31 delete person Ina Parvanova
2021-08-31 delete person Jean-Claude Villemonteix
2021-08-31 update person_title Tuula Yrjölä: Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Officer - in - Charge / Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat / Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat => Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat / Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat
2021-05-25 delete person Ambassador György Szabó
2021-05-25 delete person Ambassador Natalya Drozd
2021-05-25 insert person Ambassador Alexey Rogov
2021-05-25 update person_title Ambassador John S. MacGregor: Project Co - Ordinator in Uzbekistan; Ambassador => Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat; Ambassador
2021-05-25 update person_title Ambassador Pierre von Arx: Ambassador => Project Co - Ordinator in Uzbekistan; Ambassador
2021-04-09 insert personal_emails al..@osce.org
2021-04-09 delete person Ambassador Maryse Daviet
2021-04-09 insert person Alexandra Taylor
2021-04-09 insert person Ambassador Michael Davenport
2021-02-14 delete person Matteo Meccaci
2021-02-14 insert person Matteo Mecacci
2021-01-15 delete personal_emails de..@osce.org
2021-01-15 delete personal_emails sh..@osce.org
2021-01-15 delete personal_emails sh..@osce.org
2021-01-15 delete person Andrea Orizio
2021-01-15 delete person Andris Stastoli
2021-01-15 delete person Deniz Yazici
2021-01-15 delete person Shiv Vashisht
2021-01-15 insert person Ann Linde
2021-01-15 insert person Antonius Van den Brandt
2021-01-15 insert person Helga Maria Schmid
2021-01-15 insert person Matteo Meccaci
2021-01-15 insert person Mehmet Paçacı
2021-01-15 insert person Nicole Jawerth
2021-01-15 insert person Teresa Ribeiro
2021-01-15 insert person Tove Wennergren
2021-01-15 update person_title Jürgen Heissel: Officer - in - Charge / Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Director of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media => Director of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
2021-01-15 update person_title Katarzyna Gardapkhadze: Officer - in - Charge / OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights => First Deputy Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
2021-01-15 update person_title Tuula Yrjölä: Officer - in - Charge / Secretary General / Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre => Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Officer - in - Charge / Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat / Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat
2020-10-06 delete otherexecutives Claudio Formisano
2020-10-06 delete personal_emails cl..@osce.org
2020-10-06 insert personal_emails li..@osce.org
2020-10-06 delete person Ambassador Bernd Borchardt
2020-10-06 delete person Claudio Formisano
2020-10-06 delete person Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir
2020-10-06 delete person Natacha Rajakovic
2020-10-06 insert person Lilia Rotoloni
2020-10-06 update person_title Christophe Kamp: Director of the Office of the OSCE High => Officer - in - Charge / OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities / Director of the Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities; Director of the Office of the OSCE High
2020-10-06 update person_title Jürgen Heissel: Director of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media => Officer - in - Charge / Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Director of the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
2020-10-06 update person_title Katarzyna Gardapkhadze: First Deputy Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights => Officer - in - Charge / OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
2020-10-06 update person_title Tuula Yrjölä: Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat => Officer - in - Charge / Secretary General / Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre
2020-07-08 delete otherexecutives Luca Fratini
2020-07-08 delete person Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting
2020-07-08 update person_title Luca Fratini: Deputy Head; Director of the Office of the Secretary General; Director => Director of the Office of the Secretary General, Vienna, 10 June 2020.; Director of the Office of the Secretary General
2020-07-08 update person_title Tuula Yrjölä: Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat; Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe at the OSCE Secretariat, Vienna, 4 October 2016. => Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Deputy Head of the OSCE Secretariat
2020-03-03 delete personal_emails sz..@osce.org
2020-01-02 delete personal_emails ka..@mzv.sk
2020-01-02 delete person Katharina Kandt
2020-01-02 insert person Andris Stastoli
2019-10-03 insert personal_emails al..@osce.org
2019-10-03 insert personal_emails sh..@osce.org
2019-10-03 insert person Shiv Vashisht
2019-07-04 insert personal_emails sz..@osce.org
2019-07-04 delete person Ben Hiller
2019-07-04 insert person Szilvia Tóth
2019-05-02 delete personal_emails io..@osce.org
2019-05-02 delete personal_emails th..@odihr.pl
2019-05-02 insert personal_emails il..@osce.org
2019-05-02 insert personal_emails ka..@odihr.pl
2019-05-02 delete person Ioanna Lachana
2019-05-02 delete person Thomas Rymer
2019-05-02 insert person Ilona Kazaryan
2019-05-02 insert person Katya Andrusz
2019-01-19 insert personal_emails ka..@mzv.sk
2019-01-19 insert person Katharina Kandt
2018-12-10 insert personal_emails ma..@osce.org
2018-12-10 delete person Mia Lausevic
2018-12-10 insert person Marina Živaljević
2018-08-14 delete personal_emails al..@osce.org
2018-08-14 delete person Alexandra Taylor
2018-08-14 delete person Liana Khorovytska
2018-08-14 insert person Andrii Dziubenko
2018-08-14 insert person Dragana Nikolic-Solomon
2018-06-15 insert personal_emails de..@osce.org
2018-06-15 delete person Anna Lundbladh
2018-06-15 insert person Deniz Yazici
2018-06-15 update person_description Anna-Katharina Deininger => Anna-Katharina Deininger
2018-06-15 update person_description Matteo Pugliese => Matteo Pugliese