OCAML - Key Persons

Adrien Champion

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer
Adrien is interested in formal methods for the verification of safety properties over software and embedded systems. He worked on higher-order functional program verification at the University of Tokyo, in the Kobayashi laboratory, and worked on a predicate-inference tool for horn clauses called hoice, written in rust. Before that, he was working at the University of Iowa on the Kind 2 model checker with Christoph Sticksel and Alain Mebsout.

Ait El Hara

Job Titles:
  • Junior R & D Engineer
Hichem holds a Master's degree from Sorbonne University, focused on functional programming and formal methods. He joined OCamlPro in March 2021 for an internship to develop a fuzzer for the Alt-Ergo SMT solver. After his internship, he joined the formal methods team as a junior R&D engineer.

Artemiy Rozovyk

Job Titles:
  • Junior R & D Developer
  • OCamlPro As a Junior R & D Developer
Artemiy joined OCamlPro as a Junior R&D Developer in October 2021 after getting his Master's degree from Paris 6 Sorbonne University. During his scolarship he did several internships working with OCaml preprocessors and related tools. Having strong interest in blockchain technology, he's working on developing the Everscale ecosystem.

Arthur Carcano

Job Titles:
  • Junior R & D Developer
  • Rust Developer
Arthur is a Rust developer interested in performance optimization, software design, and crafting powerful and user-friendly tools. After completing his M.Sc. in Computer Science at ENS Ulm, he obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Université de Paris for research he carried out at Institut Pasteur and Inria. There, he worked on Rust codebases for efficient automatic differentiation in differential equations resolution and workflow management on clusters. Before working in the interdisciplinary setting of a biology research institute, Arthur had developped his drive to solve complex problems across fields and topics and his desire to transmit his passion and knowledge by completing the Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Education master from Université de Paris.

Dario Pinto

Job Titles:
  • Junior Software Developer
Dario is passionate about languages as a whole. In 2018, after his English Degree, he reasserted his professionnal perspectives and entered 42Paris, the French Programming School, where he found interest in matters of compilation and semantics. Previously intern at CEA-List, in the lab maintaining the static analysis tool Frama-C, where he conducted analyses of open-source software and provided QA for the team. He is now preparing his Master's Degree in CS, and joined the OCamlPro team in 2021 as a Junior Software Developer.

David Declerck

Job Titles:
  • OCamlPro in 2018 As an R & D Engineer
  • Senior R & D Engineer
David joined OCamlPro in 2018 as an R&D Engineer and, extending from his PhD at Université Paris-Sud, during which he extended the Cubicle model checker to support weak memory models as well as wrote a compiler from a subset of the x86 assembly language to Cubicle, he then specialised in compilation tasks at OCamlPro. His contributions cover many a projects among which: development of blockchain-borne languages such as Liquidity, Love as well as work on Solidity. He also used his expertise for R&D on COBOL infrastructures and the French income tax calculation language MLang.

Fabrice Le Fessant - CSO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CSO
  • Founder
Fabrice founded OCamlPro in 2011 after using OCaml for about 15 years at Inria. His free-software contributions range from improvements in OCaml itself to development tools (OCamlMemprof, ocp-build), distributed software (MLdonkey), blockchains (Tezos, Dune Network, TzScan) and smart contract languages (Liquidity). Former teacher at Ecole Polytechnique, he is a member of the Steering Committee of the Open-Source Hub at Systematic.

Guillaume Bury

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Guillaume holds a research Master in computer science from Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, and has studied the integration of rewriting techniques inside SMT solvers during his PhD obtained under the direction of Gilles Dowek and David Delahaye in Deducteam at ENS Cachan. He joined OCamlPro in October 2018 and works in the Flambda team, on optimizations passes for the OCaml compiler.

Julien Blond

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer
Julien holds a PhD from Université Paris 6 in formal methods and compilation. He has a long experience in applied formal methods in security systems and Common Criteria certification with a major role in PolyXene (A French certified OS) development. He is fond of language theory, philosophy and mathematics and is also involved in entrepreneurship and management and uses all those skills in OCamlPro.

Keryan Didier

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Keryan joined the team in 2020 as a R&D engineer. He holds a PhD from University Pierre et Marie Curie, during which he developed an automated implementation method for hard real-time applications. Previously, he studied functional programming and language design at University Paris-Diderot.

Louis Gesbert

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer & Deputy CTO
Louis holds a PhD from University Paris Est, and has studied at EnsIIE, University of Manchester and University of Tokyo. He has a strong background on programming languages and distribution, and was one of the architects behind the Opa language developed at MLstate. He joined OCamlPro in November 2012, and is the lead developer of OPAM. He worked on the learn-ocaml platform and contributes from time to time to the flambda team at OCamlPro.

Léo Andrès

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Léo holds a Master's degree from Paris-Saclay University, focused on foundations of computer science and software engineering. He joined OCamlPro in March 2020 for an internship to study canonical forms and code duplication detection in a mini-ML language. He's now a PhD student at OCamlPro working on the future garbage collector of WebAssembly.

Marla da Silva

Job Titles:
  • Communication
Marla obtained her Master's degree in Communication at ISCPA (Institut Supérieur des Médias) following her college degree in Foreign Languages applied to international business at Sorbonne Paris IV. After several years working on international events and communication for an agency in Paris providing image solutions worldwide, Marla worked in the digital communication field at Systematic Paris Region. She then discovered Free Open Source Software and has been in charge of Logilab's communication for 4 years and a half. Marla decided to set up her own business, and is currently in charge of communciation for Software Heritage, OCamlPro and some other clients.

Milan Martos

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
Milan studied chemistry and computer science at ENS, and holds an MBA. After an experience in entrepreneurship and another at Trust-In-Soft, he joined OCamlPro in 2022 as a software engineer to take care of users and clients with UX-UI. Marketing enthusiastic, he enjoys participating in OCamlPro business development.

Mohamed Hernouf

Job Titles:
  • Junior R & D Developer
Mohamed holds a Master's degree from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, focused on functional programming and abstract interpretation. He joined OCamlPro in March 2021 for an internship to develop and maintain documentation platform for opam packages docs.ocaml.pro. After defending his Master's degree he continued as a Junior R&D Developer.

Nathanaëlle Courant

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Nathanaëlle holds a Master's degree from École Normale Supérieure in Paris, and is finishing her Ph.D. on efficient and verified reduction and convertibility tests for theorem provers. She joined OCamlPro in 2022 and works on the OCaml optimizer, in the Flambda team.

Nicolas Berthier

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer
Nicolas Berthier obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University Grenoble-Alpes, where he studied energy-aware programming for embedded systems in the Verimag laboratory. Before joining OCamlPro in 2021, he worked as postdoctoral fellow in multiple academic institutions such as Inria Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique and the University of Liverpool. His areas of expertise cover synchronous programming languages, discrete controller synthesis and model-checking via abstract interpretation as well as their applications to the design of energy-efficient hardware circuits, and the safety & security analysis of programs & artificial neural networks alike.

Pierre Chambart

Job Titles:
  • CTO and Senior R & D Engineer
Pierre has a Ph.D. in Computer Science, obtained in the Specification and Verification Laboratory at ENS Cachan. After his PhD, he spent 12 months as an Engineer working on the Ocsigen Web Framework at IRILL, Paris. Finally, he joined OCamlPro in August 2012.

Pierre Villemot

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Pierre holds a PhD in Mathematics from University of Grenoble. After his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Weizmann Institute during three years. His research focused on transcendental measures in Arithmetical Geometry. Finally, he joined OcamlPro in June 2022 to work on the Alt-Ergo project.

Raja Boujbel

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer
Raja holds a PhD in software deployment and multi-agent systems from University of Toulouse. Previously, she had studied functional programming and compiler design at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, then worked on the Opa language among MLstate's distribution team. She joined OCamlPro in March 2018 as a lead maintainer for opam, an open-source package manager for OCaml.

Steven De Oliveira

Job Titles:
  • R & D Engineer
Steven holds a PhD in formal verification from the Paris-Saclay University and the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) since 2018. After a Master in Cryptography he worked in the Frama-C team, developing open-source tools for verifying C programs. He also was involved in science popularization projects like MT180 and InfoSansOrdi.

Vincent Laviron

Job Titles:
  • Senior R & D Engineer & Deputy CTO
Vincent holds a MSc from ENS Ulm, focused on static analysis by abstract interpretation. He then spent several years working on static analysis of functional languages, before joining OCamlPro in June 2015 to work on SecurOCaml.