Robert Harris

Robert Harris started working his way through law school in the 1970's as a carpet cleaner working for a different carpet cleaning company. He quickly became unsatisfied with the performance of available cleaning products and began researching a better solution. Harris' research stretched into many years of studying the chemical properties and reactions of a variety of cleaning formulas combined with experimentation that required him to continually clean carpets with a succession of cleaning formulations.The process was similar to how Einstein tried a hundred times to build the perfect light bulb before he succeeded. Eventually, Robert Harris discovered the ideal cleaning formula. His unique carbonated solution delivered exceptional cleaning and was both safe and non-toxic. Harris founded Chem-Dry and soon the demand for his superior cleaning services grew exponentially! His entrepreneurial journey blossomed into a thriving success that has continued to grow since those first days in the early 70's. From the very first small group of franchise locations, the original Chem-Dry network has expanded over recent decades to offer thousands of successful franchises throughout the world, including Zachary's Chem-Dry based out of Jacksonville, FL.