Andi Fetzner

Andi lives by the mantra, "you don't have to be a therapist to be therapeutic." Working in social service for 15 years prior to founding Origins with Lori, Andi frequently was frustrated with the lack of coordination between clients and the various systems serving them. It seemed that the focus was on symptoms and not the underlying cause of the problems. When she learned about the ACEs framework and trauma-informed approach, a lightbulb went off. This was how she could support people through the process of resolving those pain points in helping support clients and their families heal. She then shifted her focus and began training across sectors to amplify this approach to care. She draws from her personal experience and her professional education to encourage empowerment and equity. Andi has served a variety of populations including children with special needs, at-hope youth, adults with special vocational training needs, and youth and families. Since moving to California in 2016, she has served both youth in schools all over LA County as well as victims of the Malibu fires. She currently lives her mission through her work at Origins Training where she supports the integration of a trauma-informed approach with people and organizations and at Integrative Counseling where she provides 1:1 trauma-informed therapy through telehealth in Arizona. Outside of her work, Andi lives as a digital nomad and enjoys doing yoga, eating good food, and mountaineering.

Lori Chelius

Lori is driven by a desire to create sustainable change. Prior to founding Origins with Andi, she spent 15 years pursuing this desire in a number of roles in healthcare and public health, including strategic planning, business development, project management, market research, and needs assessment. During that time, Lori saw opportunity after opportunity to address issues upstream and understand the root causes, not just the symptoms. When Lori met Andi, a fellow champion of a trauma-informed approach, she realized they could team up to help organizations build strong foundations based on solid values, build resilience, and provide even better care for the people they serve. And so, Origins was born. Lori has a BA in psychology (with a concentration in neuroscience) from Williams College and an MBA and MPH from UC Berkeley. She lives in California with her wife, three kids, and their dog, Oliver. She also coaches youth soccer (and still attempts to play it).