MEDEXA - Key Persons

Charles Serret

Job Titles:
  • Customer Success Supervisor
Having started in the department dedicated to customer success, he has risen through the ranks thanks to her efficiency and professionalism in advising and helping our customers across Canada.

Dean Scully

Job Titles:
  • Senior Account Manager
Dean cumulates over 10 years of experience in the commercial and rehabilitation business. From his wide range of expertise, he advises and educates MEDEXA clients across Canada.

Florian Armand

Job Titles:
  • Full Stack Developer
With more than 5 years of experience in software development and in the field of open source, Florian is endowed with great rigour and a work ethic essential to the development of the functionalities of the MEDEXA platform.

Frédéric Maltais

Job Titles:
  • Advisor - Founding Partner
In the rehabilitation field since 2008, Frédéric used his knowledge and expertise to found MEDEXA in 2014. As an osteopath and physical rehabilitation therapist, he provides valuable guidance allowing MEDEXA to continuously adapt to the clinical reality of our clients. He currently serves as an advisor and sits on the Board of Directors.

Ian Beaubien

Job Titles:
  • CEO - Founding Partner
As a successful entrepreneur and developer, Ian brings his experience, knowledge of the rehabilitation field and commitment to help MEDEXA maintain a leading position among clinical management software.

Patrick D'Astous

Job Titles:
  • Advisor - Investor
With a PhD in Computer Engineering, Patrick has a wealth of knowledge in management, corporate finance, venture capital, IT and R & D. As an accomplished entrepreneur and investor, he currently acts as an advisor at MEDEXA.

Teddy Dreyfus

Job Titles:
  • CTO - Founding Partner
As a gifted engineer with a Master's degree in Computer Science, Teddy used his skills, leadership and project management experience to found MEDEXA.

Émilie Lambert

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Director
With a bachelor's degree in business administration, Émilie uses her business development skills to support our clients in the process of simplifying their clinic management. His professionalism as well as his understanding of the reality of the market allow him to support each client in the best management of their clinic.