Avishai Shafir

Avishai is a veteran developer that led development with several global hi-tech companies. Among his roles, he served as the Chief Architect of HP ALM (Quality Center & Performance Center), leading the HP Mercury ALM architects team in building tools for developers. Later in his career, he managed a line of business at Panaya (acquired by Infosys for $200 Million) and led a team of product managers at Cellebrite (The global leader in digital intelligence solutions). Today he manages a product team at Salt Security, a leading provider of API cybersecurity tools. He is a technology enthusiast.

Mark Seemann

Job Titles:
  • Software Developer
Mark Seemann is a Danish software developer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. His professional interests include functional programming, object-oriented development, as well as software development in general. Apart from writing two books: Dependency Injection and Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering (Robert C. Martin Series) he has also created several Pluralsight courses, videos for Clean Coders, and written numerous articles and blog posts about programming. Originally poised to become a rock star or (failing that) graphic novelist (in the European tradition) he one day found himself with insufficient talent for either, a master's degree in Economics, and a desire for working with computers. He has been doing the latter intermittently since 1995. When not working with software or spending time with his family, Mark enjoys reading, listening to and playing music, as well as preparing or consuming gourmet food and wine.

Thomas Sundberg

Job Titles:
  • Contractor
  • Independent Consultant
Thomas Sundberg is an independent consultant and contractor based in Stockholm, Sweden. He has been working as a developer for more than 25 years. Thomas has a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm. He has taught programming at The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, one of the leading technical universities in Sweden. Thomas has developed an obsession for technical excellence that translates to software craftsmanship, clean code, test automation and continuous deployment. Definition of done according to Thomas is working software, in production. He runs a blog where he writes about programming, software craftsmanship, TDD, BDD and whatever problem he wants to share a solution for. It can be found at Think Code AB. Thomas tweets as @thomassundberg