Christie Connelly

Dillon's better half, Christie, looks after the social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook), writes the activity guides and completes all other ad hoc tasks the boys throw at her. Oh, and she is also the receipts obsessive - someone has to get organised for tax time! Christie is also a keen cook, mummy and general bossy boots. However, she can't draw, keep plants alive or grow taller than 4'10". You can't be good at everything.

Dillon Connelly

Web development, design, copywriting - is there anything this guy can't do!? Dillon designs and builds all our websites while also looking at big picture stuff for the company. He is forever pushing the boundaries of what is possible online and keeps our websites fresh with the best and latest technology. Dillon is also a fan of film, tech gadgets and all the different strands of bass music. That makes him sound like a geek, but he's not. Promise.

Henrik Jonsson

Online travel, numbers and talking about Mallorca; they are Henrik's best skills. He is an absolute expert on the island after living there for several years and our happy customers are rewarded with the fruits of his labour. After working in online travel for large global brands, he decided to do his own thing (and avoid a battle on the tube each morning). Now his mathematical brain soaks up all our numbers eats them for dinner. It's possible that Henrik went into business with Dillon just so he could get an all expenses paid, business trip to Australia. He will not confirm or deny this. Henrik is obviously Swedish (his real name, unsurprisingly is Sven, but don't tell him we told you). Dillon is Australian with Irish heritage. His ancestor was on the first fleet out to Australia for stealing a loaf of bread. Christie is Australian with Lebanese and Hungarian heritages, so naturally she is called The Hungry Leb. We hope that has satisfied your curiosity.