BAND OF LIGHT - Key Persons

Michael G. Reccia

In a journey that has seen him progress from initial clairvoyant/clairaudient mediumship to trance state mediumship (meaning Joseph takes over his mind and body while communicating),Michaelhas served the international community for over 40 years as a conduit for spiritual information. He believes the true purpose and duty of mediums is to not only supply evidence of life after death but to also offer a blueprint for a better life before death via the accessing and sharing of life-changing spiritual insights which, if embraced, can create harmony and fulfilment for the individual, humankind, the planet and all life here. Connecting with higher vibrations within the protective, energised circle generated by the by the Band of Light, Michael worked for over a decade to deliver and complete the Communications books series, and today he continues to bring through additional revelations and reveals from Joseph's soul group, also furthering awareness of this vast body of work via regular videos, articles and media postings. Michael regards the Communications as vital connections to the no-nonsense, practical spiritual guidance and reconnection that is sorely needed at this pivotal time.