OLABIMTAN - Key Persons

Hakeem Kareem

Job Titles:
  • Applied Accounting, FCA, ACCA, ACTI, ACFE, ICAN Certified IFRS Expert ) Partner / Chief Operating Officer
  • Associate of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Hakeem holds the B.sc Accounting degree of the Oxford Brookes university, Oxford UK. He is an associate of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) of the United Kingdom and the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria. He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. Hakeem is also an associate of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and is certified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria as an IFRS expert. Hakeem has acquired vast experience in the accounting profession both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom, thereby having local and international Knowledge. He also has experience in the retail and mortgage industry, having worked with Pinnacle consulting in the UK.

Olakunle Akibola

Job Titles:
  • UNIX Systems Administration Certified Professional & Systems Certified Professional, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 ) Director
Olakunle is a Senior IT/Telecoms executive with outstanding International Sales, Business Development, Project and Account management track record of more than 20 years, which has been gained working in the Vendor, Operator, Consultancy and System Integrator environments, supported by very strong technical knowledge of IT/Telecoms networks and a B.Sc. in Physics. Olakunle started his career as a UNIX Administrator with Electronic on Line Systems (UK) giving him solid foundation in understanding what IT across business is all about. He then went on to work for Hewlett Packard (HPUK) as a pre-sales consultant. After 5 years of high-end IT with EOS and HP he worked for Alcatel Fraud Management Group (UK) for 6 years as first an implementation engineer, then a Project Manager, then an Account Manager and finally a Program Manger combing a number of roles delivering projects all over the world from Brazil to Estonia including Globacom in Nigeria. Time with Alcatel gave him unparalleled Telecoms experience. Olakunle then wanted a taste of other side of Telecoms, after 6 years with Alcatel he worked for Meteor Mobile Communications (Dublin) a Telecom Operator in Dublin, Ireland for a year as a project manager implementing their first Fraud Management Solution; he also started their first Revenue Assurance initiative. After 1 year in Dublin Olakunle came back to the UK as Sales Director for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) for Connectiva Systems. Olakunle has a BSc. in Physics, UNIX certification from City University London, attended many courses and acquired several certifications working for the likes of HP and Alcatel. Olakunle joined Financial & Business Advisory Associates as a Director/Consultant in April 2014.