Amy is a CTCMPAO registered acupuncturist and TCM practitioner. She completed her medical degree and her M.Sc. from Shandong Medical University and proceeded her PhD in cardiology afterwards. She was a physician specialized in Internal Medicine and Cardiology for 9 years in China......

Holly Zheng

Holly Zheng is a CTCMPAO Registered Acupuncturist.Holly was born in a Chinese Medical family. Both her grandfather and parents are well respected TCM doctors. They personally managed and operated their own clinic throughout the span of their careers......

Maria Florentin

Maria is a Registered Acupuncturist in Ontario where she studied and graduated from the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has also been a member of the faculty of the same school where she teaches Acupuncture and theories in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Maria Florentin is a Registered Acupuncturist in Ontario where she studied and graduated from the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has also been a member of the faculty of the same school where she teaches Acupuncture and theories in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has worked with other Acupuncturists and TCM Practitioners, as well as with other allied health professionals in the city of Mississauga, performing Acupuncture in treating and alleviating certain medical conditions. Maria graduated with a Medical Degree from a prestigious medical school in the Philippines and has dedicated much of her medical years in teaching at the College of Medicine in her hometown and in Bahrain. She also worked as a company physician in charge of looking after the health and safety of employees from a well-known pharmaceutical company. Maria exemplifies compassion and empathy when treating patients. She is a practitioner with a strong and healthy confidence, who has always been listened to and respected by patients and colleagues alike.

Michael Liang

Michael Liang is a licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist . Michael has a plethora of practical experiences and accompanying researches in related natural therapy fields. Some of these researches include successful clinical cases on respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, Obesity, and Reproductive/Urinary diseases. With years of research and clinical experience under his belt, Michael has developed a profound understanding of the human body, physiology, pathology, and disease treatment. Michael's deep understanding of the human body and their individual functions allows him to use acupunctural and osteopathic procedures to their full extent. By using a combination of Acupuncture and Osteopathic techniques, Michael can treat and resolve many joint and muscle pains from various parts of the body. Michael has found resounding success with his unique treatment methods and is continuing to develop his technique further. During his practices, Michael always ensures that he establishes a holistic understanding of the problem and the logistics surrounding the problem. Michael is a perfectionist who strives to over analyze each detail for each of his patients before he begins any procedures. Michael seeks to find the cause of each illness so that he can eliminate the pathogen or disease at the roots. Sometimes, patients may forget negligible details that may change the course of the diagnosis and treatment plan. However, Michael considers all the possibilities and never overlooks any trivial details prior to a decision. Michael views the human body as an organic whole. From the smallest cells in our body, up to the largest functioning organs; everything works together and influences each other in order to sustain the body. In a broader view, humans coexist with the nature and rely on different elements within nature to sustain themselves. People have a direct impact on nature, and conversely, nature will react to the impacts caused by humans. These reactions can either have a positive effect on our wellbeing or a negative one. The human body is not merely a biological entity, but a psychological and social being with constant interactions with its surrounding environment. Societal position, economic status, occupation, ideology, education background and social relationships all influence the overall health of the body. Michael places a heavy emphasis on preventative care and health maintenance. He advises and helps all his patients to monitor their daily activities diligently. Starting from when they wake up, to how they season their meals, to their mental state throughout the day; Michael helps his patients to maintain a happy lifestyle starting with their health and mental wellbeing.

Stephanie Chen

Stephanie is qualified as a Registered Massage Therapist of Ontario. Stephanie joined Dekang Medical in 2022 and focus on pain release, emotional disorders, children massage and cometic beauty...

Wei Li

Wei Li completed his doctor degree in TongJi Medical College and proceeded his post doctorate fellow in University of Toronto. He is a Registered Massage Therapist of Ontaro and a part-time professional massage teacher.