Benedict Muyale

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
Benedict has combined eight years of experience in the government and nonprofit sector on renewable energy and environmental management. He earned a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Planning and Management, graduating with first class honours, from Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya. Benedict is the founder of Green Sun Cities Kenya, a nonprofit initiative which focuses on environment and development in urban spaces and cities. He has spearheaded Previously, 100% Renewable Energy for green campuses in Nairobi, Kenya. This led to major Universities shift from fossil fuel energy to solar power generation both for own use and supply to the grid. Previously, Benedict worked with a sub-Saharan nonprofit under DANIDA funded project on capacity building for renewable energy small and medium enterprises in Africa besides being the principal environmental expert of cogen for Africa, a project funded by GEF/AfDB and UNEP. Benedict has volunteered on KumeKucha campaign as a mentor of youths in slums on green projects in Kenya. Through these experiences, he has strong mobilization, fundraising, project coordination and implementation skills. Benedict is passionate of the environment and Greenfaith U.S. based organization recognized him as emerging climate change leader in 2015. He enjoys academic writing and recently carried out a study titled, Green Transport Solutions for Developing Cities: A case study of Nairobi that has been published by Springer Journal. Benedict aims to use his knowledge and skills to contribute to the environmental and economic development of world cities and urban centres to achieve sustainable development.

Beryl Achieng

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
Beryl Achieng is an accomplished producer, video editor, videographer and photographer educated in film production from The Kenya Institute of Mass Communication. She has continued to work extensively across all genres of production from documentaries, short films, commercials through to advertising and news stories. Beryl has 8 years' experience working in main stream media in Kenya and international media with Deutsche Welle (DW) in addition to her experience in public relations. She has over 4 years of experience in the non - profit sector working with open school initiatives in Kenya which is an NGO that provides education opportunities for high school students from the less privileged families where she was the project coordinator. Beryl has also worked with Econic Earth as the lead cinematographer and producer for their programs in Marsabit County, liaising with program partners Foundation for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands where she is also a media coordinator. Beryl is a dedicated Mom and has passion for youth and women empowerment programs, education and environment.

Damien Leloup

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
Damien Leloup is a French explorer, trained Maritime Archaeologist, writer and museum curator. Damien began his career as a diver and field logistician for Jacques Cousteau in Vietnam, South Africa, and Namibia on board Calypso and Alcyone. Afterwards, to fulfill French military service requirements, he was sent to Reunion Island with the French Navy, where he helped supervise maritime activities and dive training at a Commando Training Unit camp. He then went on to help the Madagascar Government in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, to transform one of the last remaining first growth rainforest's into a National Park. Always eager to explore uncharted territory, in 2013, Damien also led an Explorers Club flag expedition to a river site outside of Jingdezhen, China, where hundreds of ancient Song dynasty porcelain specimens lay untouched below the water for a thousand years. In 2015 and 2016 Damien was invited by oceanographer Professor Walter Munk to help establish what would become the Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology at UCSD, with its first official expedition at the Chàm Islands, Vietnam in June 2016. For the COP22 Damien co-authored a paper on Climate Change with an emphasis on maritime archaeology, lead by the Committee to Prevent Extreme Climate Change. Damien is a founding Board Member of the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans.

Nicole Watson - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Member of the Board
Nicole's vision is to combine her passion for film with environmental and wildlife conservation through renewable energy solutions, media awareness and community based programs. Nicole grew up with an innate sensitivity to wildlife and environmental conservation that has inspired her for much of her life. This led her to launch the ‘econic earth foundation' and begin a lifelong mission in conservation activities around the World. Working with her experienced team, she created a solid platform to grow with that focuses on supporting and engaging in renewable energy initiatives, wildlife conservation, and sustaining the world's natural environment by combining efforts with other likeminded individuals and organizations. Born in Vancouver, Canada and raised in the small wilderness town of Castlegar British Columbia, Nicole grew up surrounded by rural forested mountains, winding rivers and abundant wildlife. Her father, an advanced level sailing instructor also had her exploring the west coast of BC from a young age, teaching her about the impact of pollution on natural ecosystems. Nicole studied Fine Arts at the Emily Carr Institute of Design, Non Profit Fundraising and Management at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and also trained as an actor, working in the film industry for over 15 years both in front and behind the camera. Nicole has lived, worked and travelled in over 35 countries and is the type of woman who could be dropped in just about any location on the planet and find a way to become a part of the community. She speaks French, English some Spanish and Thai, is an advanced PADI scuba diver and loves hiking, culture, plant based cuisine and exploring new places. Nicole also consults on and produces factual programming. She directed and produced the short documentary film ‘Sustainable Futures; Survivor Girls' that showcases one of econic earths initiatives and features the unexpected impacts from a solar energy installation at a trafficking rescue in Calcutta, India. She also produced the film ‘Light' which is centered around the life changing benefits from portable solar lights on the lives and education of students living off-grid in Kenya. Nicole has volunteered with ‘School on Wheels' an LA-based charity tutoring homeless children, campaigned alongside members of the Riverkeepers and Water Defense groups in New York State to stop hydraulic fracturing and volunteered with numerous animal rescue groups. She is a member of the Explorers Club, Al Gores ‘Climate Reality Corp and advises on sustainability programs and events.

Priyanka Bitwas

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
Priyanka began work with the ‘econic earth foundation' as a production coordinator for the "Survivor Girls" project while working at the Sanlaap India organization. Educated in India and London, and based primarily in Calcutta India, she has studied and worked as a social development professional with over six years experience in donor relationship management. Priyanka is experienced and highly trained in her field having worked with multiple individuals from organizations around India, to provide emotional and practical support to survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse. She is also qualified in facilitating training and capacity building sessions with various stakeholders such as Government Officials, community members and so forth in the North-East India region. In addition to her career in social work, Priyanka also heads up a experience driven travel company focused on positive community involvement and off the beaten path experiences.

Teddy Frederick

Job Titles:
  • Artist from the Island of Grenada
Teddy is a multidisciplinary artist from the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Growing up in the lush island of Grenada, Teddy has an innate respect for nature and the beauty of capturing the light and essence of the natural world around him. He has studied fine arts, photography and film around the world taking courses in China, Cuba and the United States. He's focused primarily on the production and mastery of fine art, photography and film through innovative mixed media concepts. Gifted with a keen eye for detail and a dynamic creative mind, Teddy seeks to use his gifts and talents to have his unique perspectives heard and seen. He is passionate about natural eco-based art and design solutions, as well as telling stories through visual art forms. Teddy is a multidisciplinary artist from the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Growing up in the lush island of Grenada, Teddy has an innate respect for nature and the beauty of capturing the light and essence of the natural world around him. He has studied fine arts, photography and film around the world taking courses in China, Cuba and the United States. He's focused primarily on the production and mastery of fine art, photography and film through innovative mixed media concepts. Gifted with a keen eye for detail and a dynamic creative mind, Teddy seeks to use his gifts and talents to have his unique perspectives heard and seen. He is passionate about natural eco-based art and design solutions, as well as telling stories through visual art forms.