Mary Beth Brown

Mary Beth Brown worked for many years as a supervisor with a major international airline, and has over 25 years of experience in the travel industry. She lived in Paris and speaks French, so of course Paris is one of her favorite destinations. "There's never a bad time to visit Paris" is her motto, and while there she loves to explore the street markets and antique shops. Another favorite is riverboat cruising. Mary Beth loves to help clients plan the perfect European vacation, and will work hard to make sure all your expectations are met. Mary Beth Brown Travel selling destinations out of the ordinary through By The Sea Travel, LLC.


Sherrie started in the travel industry through the hotel side. She is local native of St. Mary's County, MD. She wears two hats with our preferred local properties, one as the General Manager and the other as the Director of Sales. She is your go to for the best local hotel experiences in Southern Maryland.

Susan Beck-Brown

Susan Beck-Brown fell in love with the concept of Riverboat cruising after her first cruise and feels it is the best way to truly experience the culture of Europe and Asia. Her specialty is detailed personal service especially in designing riverboat tours. Susan Beck-Brown Travel will use your vision and create your journey of a life time through By The Sea Travel, LLC.