David Gonzalez

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator
David Gonzalez is a Coordinator for Pro Power Products. David is meticulous in his attention to detail when it comes to assembly and packaging. He is extremely efficient and always comes through when called on.

Reggie Moore

Job Titles:
  • Coordinator
Reggie Moore is also a Coordinator for Pro Power Products. Reggie is the other half of our assembly and packaging team. Reggie takes great pride in the perfection rate he and David have with the products they assemble. Maximum effort is put forth to ensure the products get to the customer in the same condition that they left the assembly area.

Tim Frandsen

Job Titles:
  • Head of Product Development
Tim Frandsen is the Head of Product Development and the Chief Engineer for Pro Power Products. Tim has spent his entire life in the Outdoor Power Equipment Industry. His passion for innovation and well-built products led him to develop the four brands under the Pro Power Products umbrella. Tim's efforts with Pro Power have been a true labor of love. He finds great joy in designing equipment that is dependable, affordable, and of the highest quality available.