ROSE LAW - Key Persons

Chris Martin

Lawyer Chris joined the office in August of 2012. Chris Martin joined Rose Law in 2012 and has adopted the same client oriented approach and high standards adopted by Robert Rose to the practice of law. Chris can be reached anytime by calling the office at (905) 338-9555 or at

Robert Rose - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Lawyer Robert graduated from the University of Toronto in 1980 with a law degree. Prior to attending Law School, Mr. Rose was a real estate agent in South Etobicoke for 2 years. Since graduation Mr. Rose has practiced primarily in the field of Real Estate Law. The office has been located in the River Oaks area of Oakville since 1989. Since that time Mr. Rose has closed in excess of 12,000 real estate deals. Robert recently retired in late 2018.