Derek Chesley

Job Titles:
  • Case Design Specialist

Gregory Freeman

Job Titles:
  • Advanced Planning Specialist
Greg has over 10 years of experience building comprehensive financial plans for high net worth individuals and business owners. He has accumulated significant knowledge with the use of the planning software, eMoney. Through live modeling, Greg creates an interactive client experience. He is a graduate of Bentley University with a degree in Finance.

Rob Brown - Chief Investment Officer

Job Titles:
  • Chief Investment Officer
As Chief Investment Officer, Rob has 31 years of experience as an industry leader in portfolio management for large, sophisticated foundations, endowments, pensions, and ultra-high net worth individuals. Rob oversees the portfolios within IWC and helps educate, mentor and provide joint work assistance to IFP advisors working with larger, more complicated clients. Rob takes a consultative, educational approach to all advisor interactions. He has a unique ability to adjust the technical level and chemistry of dialogue to fit the audience and to make the complex, remarkably intuitive and straightforward.

William George

Job Titles:
  • Director of Business Development