Alan Bostom - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Alan, a dedicated professional businessman, co-founded Angel's Recovery addiction treatment center with his wife on a mission to help others with the kind of successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment they had not been able to find for her.

Arlene Sherman

Angel's Recovery is fortunate to have on staff one of the country's outstanding recovery counselors in the alternative field of Hypnosis, Arlene Sherman. Two books are in print, The Real Dope on Addiction and Recovery, and I am Your Recovery Coach in her series of books based on her experiences as a recovery Coach. Arlene is making a strong case for the positive approach to recovery that can be the result of using hypnosis as one of the set of tools in a successful addiction recovery protocol as practiced at Angel's Recovery. A native of Brooklyn, NY, Arlene has been a successful entrepreneur on both coasts having created and run a gourmet food home delivery, Chef by Request, still operating in Seattle as well as other enterprises in Florida. Her passion for hypnosis comes from her own personal experience of being miraculously helped with a health concern by a hypnotherapist. This experience was a turning point in her life, prompting her to embrace becoming a certified hypnotherapist to ‘pass it forward'. Arlene has a successful private practice treating Smoking Cessation and Weight Management as well as Addiction Recovery. She joined the staff of Angel's Recovery after being introduced to our philosophy of treating every client with kindness and respect. She is a long standing member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, is on the American Board of Hypnotherapy, and a member of the International Association of Counseling Therapists. Arlene brings to Angels Recovery a deep passion for helping those in the throes of substance abuse disorders. In addition to being a certified hypnotherapist, Arlene is also a Recovery Coach and a Life Coach as well. She has an expertise in stress management and helps those that are addicted to learn stress management techniques which she has developed to assist people in their battle against substance abuse. Arlene's second book, I Am Your Recovery Coach, is her attempt to bring recovery techniques to those that might not be able to hire a recovery coach. Arlene is quick to tell you "this is the most rewarding work I have ever done" and her clients would agree!

Diana Moore

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director, Therapist
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Diana has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1990. She holds a B.S.W. in Social Work from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, and a M.S.W. (Masters of Social Work) from Barry University in Miami Shores, FL. She comes to Angel's Recovery drug and alcoholic treatment center as a seasoned psychotherapist with expertise in many types of addictions, co-dependency, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and marriage and family issues. Some of her specialties include, but are not limited to, Cognitive Behavioral, Thought Stopping Therapy, and Meditation. Diana uses Art Therapy to help children and adults who do not have the words to explain their problems. She is experienced in Therapy for Dual Diagnosed and Tri Diagnosed children, adults and the Intellectually Disabled. Diana is an approved Crisis Mental Health Counselor for The Red Cross. She is an Approved Practicum Supervisor at F.A.U. for B.S.W. Interns and at Barry University, for M.S.W. Interns. Diana also serves as a State of Florida Supervisor of L.C.S.W. and L.M.H.C. Candidates. She has been a long standing member of the National Association of Social Workers. We are fortunate to have Diana not only serving as our Clinal Director, but also hands-on as a practicing Therapist for our five star rehabilitation center.

Dr. Robert Antoine

Job Titles:
  • Psychiatrist
Dr. Antoine has the personal experience of struggle and hardship in pursuing his dream of helping others in reaching out to the community as a trained psychiatrist. This background sets him apart in comparison to his peers in the ability to provide effective personalized treatment of alcohol and substance abuse. As far back as twenty years ago, he served as a Clinical Fellow at Columbia University Affiliate Harlem Hospital Center in New York City in Community Psychiatry while simultaneously supervising Residents in the ER and leading the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team. Today, he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Robert combines a private practice nearby with his staff position at Angel's Recovery and is officially affiliated with no less than five local regional hospitals. This professional lives his dedication to helping addicts in their recovery every day by applying effective practical therapy solutions. Dr. Antoine brings to Angel's Recovery the extensive skills developed during his years of community outreach that provide the foundation of his ability to professionally relate intimately to substance abuse addicts and the personal issues behind their addiction. Dr. Antoine is certified in Controlled Substance medication with the DEA. He retains active medical licenses in New York and Florida. Angel's Recovery Treatment Center is fortunate to have the services on staff of such a highly trained and knowledgeable practitioner. Robert is able to get to the underlying issues quickly, having the skills and knowledge from community outreach experience to peel away the many layers of defense presented during his one on one therapy sessions with Angel's Recovery clients. His special work in alcohol addiction is a welcome addition. Dr. Antoine's contribution to our program of recovery is invaluable, especially in the areas of getting to the root cause of an addicts problem. This complements our dual diagnosis and co-dependency program as well.

Ivana Costa

Job Titles:
  • Intern
Ivana Costa is one of the most popular of the Angel's Recovery staff members with clients. She is a living human ray of sunshine. Ivana received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Florida Atlantic University. She is currently working on her Master's degree at Barry University in Miami, Florida. Ivana is near completion of her certification as a Trauma Practitioner (CTP). She holds her certification in Breathwork and Yoga. Ivana has completed extensive studying in the areas of Meditation, Reyke, ABA Therapy, Trauma, Yoga, Breathwork, Addictions, Birth-family Patterns and Pastoral Counseling, all of which have allowed her to witness the journey of transformation in the lives of her clients that were once burdened with pain but have now surrendered to the metamorphosis of forgiveness. Ivana's passion for trauma and healing has clearly chosen the direction for her life. After many years of working with Breathwork clients who were prisoners of trauma, she searched to understand trauma and some association of the events that could explain the locked doors they were imprisoned behind. Ivana resides in Florida, and also co-facilitates workshops and trauma intensives all over the country. Her passion about working in substance abuse utilizing her gifts as a Breathworker, junior therapist, and Yoga instructor has connected her much deeper to healing. She always believes in a new way to connect the client's healing process with their path in life as a holy, and balanced person. Ivana states: "Experiential and holistic therapies reach a level of intimacy that no cognitive therapy can;" that is why she is so excited about what these modalities can bring to addiction recovery. At Angel's Recovery we all love Ivana.

Kenneth Rivera-Kolb

Job Titles:
  • Medical Director
Dr. Rivera-Kolb has been a forceful advocate of drug and alcohol recovery therapy in the South Florida area for the last ten plus years. As our Medical Director since July, 2012, Dr. Rivera-Kolb brings to Angel's Recovery extensive experience in the development of recovery programs that are phased to allow patients to come into the full program that Angel's Recovery Treatment Center provides at any stage in their recovery journey. He and his staff are "hands on" from initial detoxification to in-patient recovery support to intensive substance abuse out-patient treatment programs. He believes in continued follow through with the active support of the transition to sober living through a number of half-way house "sober living environments" in the community. The protocols and treatment methods that Dr. Rivera-Kolb has established for the rehabilitation of drug and alcohol and other addictions at Angel's Recovery Treatment Center have earned him and our organization high praise for making it possible for our patients to become drug free without the pain and misery of going into withdrawal or having drug cravings. A Doctor of Medicine graduate of Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan in June, 1979, Dr. Kenneth Rivera-Kolb began his medical career in General and E.N.T. Surgery at Wayne State University Affiliated Hospitals. In 1982 Dr. Rivera-Kolb moved to Orlando, Florida where he began practicing General Medicine. He quickly became concerned with the growing problem of substance abuse in the community which led him to become the Medical Director of many substance abuse facilities. He has continued his work in advocating for the expansion of medical treatment for substance and alcohol abuse. A member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) since 1997, Dr. Rivera-Kolb obtained his Buprenorphine prescribing credentials through ASAM in 2005. He currently manages opiate maintenance therapy through his office in Coral Springs, FL. Since joining the staff of Angel's Recovery in July, 2012 he also provides on-campus services at Angel's Recovery. Dr. Rivera-Kolb brings to Angel's Recovery Treatment Center outstanding leadership to our team in the practice of his "down to earth" protocols for drug and alcohol rehabilitation that work; and without the usual problematic physical symptoms presented at other facilities using traditional protocols.

Kurt Jasperson

Kurt Jasperson is a professional rodeo rider, farrier and Tara's husband (we said it was a family enterprise). That's right! They came to Angel's Recovery as a package and an important part of that package is Kurt. Kurt is a person whom everyone loves, especially the clients. Kurt sees to it that all their needs are met. He schedules their medical appointments, dental appointments and sees to it that they get to them. He makes sure their personal needs are met such as haircuts, beauty parlor appointments, and transportation needs. Should the doctor call in prescriptions for the client, Kurt makes sure that those medications are picked up and delivered to the nurse. Kurt also sees to it that they get the clothing they need and want. He does a myriad of other things that the clients require as well, for their well being while at Angel's Recovery.

Leigh Ann Penniman

Job Titles:
  • Intern
One of the key staff in creating the loving and caring environment enjoyed by all of Angel's Recovery clients is Leigh Ann Penniman, our Program Director. Leigh Ann is formally trained as a Masters in Mental Health. She is currently completing her Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) program. Leigh Ann particularly enjoys helping individuals find their own paths to recovery, with a solution focused approach to drug and alcohol rehabilitation as practiced at Angel's Recovery Treatment Center. She brings twenty-five (25) years experience in business with aspects of our program that are designed to assist our clients in returning to a productive life. Having graduated from the Cambridge School of the Culinary Arts, she also has professional experience to add to the quality living environment at our five star treatment center. Leigh Ann shares her enthusiasm for life with each Angel's Recovery client on their own level taking a keen interest in what makes them tick. She also enjoys her close-knit family and friends, beloved Boxer Penny, reading and writing. As Leigh Ann puts it: "I find it fulfilling to be part of a person's transition to return to a joyful, productive life without the use of drugs and alcohol." It is easy to understand why the clients of Angel's Recovery love Leigh Ann and her personal style of sharing and caring.

Lisa Love

Job Titles:
  • Director of Administration
Lisa comes to Angel's Recovery with a broad experience in community service as well as her background in running several offices in the business community, most recentlly, the Rybovich Boat Company in West Palm Beach. Previous positions have included such titles as Comptroller, Accounting Manager and Production Manager, all combining to serve as a solid foundation of skill sets for her duties here at Angel's Recovery. Lisa's non-profit community service includes running events for the Lukemia Society Palm Beach Chapter, United Way of Palm Beach County, Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Pam Beach County and serving on the Advisory Board of the Job Skills Training Center of Palm Beach State College. As our "go to" person, Lisa's personal commitment to serving others is a perfect complement to her professional skills in business administration that allow her to be so supportive of Tara and Alan in running the complex scheduling of the multiple campuses of Angel's Recovery Treatment Center. We are fortunate to have Lisa's talents supporting our dedicated staff to provide the quality client service for which Angel's Recovery is known. Lis is also an Alumni of Angel's Recovery.

Melvin (Waíl) Hall

Job Titles:
  • Intern
Waíl comes to Angel's Recovery having turned his personal experience as a recovering addict into his new calling as a trained Behavioral Health Technician. He continues to attend Palm Beach State College where he is studying Human Services. His certification as a trained Substance Abuse and Addiction Counselor comes from the Med-Life Institute. Angel's Recovery is fortunate to have this dedicated professional on our staff. He has served similar positions at The Cove and John's Place. As is the case with most of the Angel's Recovery Staff, Waíl has professional experience in business having managed the orientation of newly trained hires at First Data Merchant Services for more than six years. During his stay there he also was responsible for establishing additional outlets for existing merchants as well as working in customer service to resolve technical issues as it related to their credit card processing systems. Waíl participates in supporting the teaching of Life Skills to Angel's Recovery clients, a integral part of a successful recovery as a productive member of society. Waíl's broad business experience, personal on-going recovery, and formal training in the behavioral sciences have made him a highly regarded counselor at Angel's Recovery. His infectious smile brings a bright light every day to his clients.

Tara Jasperson

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer - COO
In early 2011 Angel's Recovery Treatment Center was growing at a fast pace and required expedient and exacting organization. It required someone who knew how to run a business from all aspects and a person who cared greatly about the clients. Alan immediately knew the perfect person to help him expand Angel's Recovery and make it the best treatment center possible, his daughter Tara. Tara has run her own successful businesses in Las Vegas Nevada for over twenty years and in addition has been literally working with her father in different capacities since she was seven years old. In addition to being a successful business woman, Tara was the United States Karate Champion and as an Equestrian rode with the United States Jumper Team that went to compete in Costa Rica. Sounds hard to believe but true! Alan knew that once Tara put her mind to accomplishing something, the sky would be the limit and he didn't have to worry about getting any task accomplished or completed. Since Tara joined Angel's Recovery, she has personally led the expansion of Angel's Recovery's program modalities, physical assets, organization and the human resources department that hires high quality professionals. Tara has also started an outreach program in the regional community that includes partnerships with Sober Living Facilities, Halfway Houses and guest speakers. Angel's Recovery Treatment Center has grown tremendously while maintaining the very personal individualized treatment that is key to our record of successful recoveries. As the Chief Operating Officer of this family owned and operated Treatment Center, Tara supports her father with their commitment to provide the best client environment available anywhere for successful recovery from addiction. We are fortunate to have the intense energy, forward vision and absolute commitment to our clients that is evident in Tara's leadership. Tara has made it her business to know each and every client's progress and accomplishments when it comes to their moving forward in their recovery.

Trevor S. Patience

Job Titles:
  • Counselor at Angel 's Recovery
Trevor Patience is a valued Counselor at Angel's Recovery due to his extensive life experience and professional training. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran of four years and spent his time as a Jet Mechanic. Add 20 years as a railroad union worker followed by several years in the TV manufacturing industry as an engineer in maintaining punch press machinery and you have a solid foundation in his work ethic. During his own treatment for substance abuse in 1999, Trevor was challenged by his counselor with insights into his own issues. This sparked an interest within him to study the subject of substance abuse and its treatment. Trevor received his certificate as a Certified Addiction Counselor at Palm Beach State College in 2007. In 2009 he was certified as a Professional Coach in Life, Recovery, and Spirituality. Trevor specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and a strength based approach to relapse prevention. Besides his activities at Angel's Recovery, Trevor serves as a Veterans Court Mentor for the 5th Circuit Federal Court. Trevor is a thoroughly giving professional who volunteers his own holidays to allow younger clients to celebrate. He thrives on helping clients gain insight into their addiction and empower them to take ownership of their individual recovery process. Our clients are most fortunate to have this outstanding Counselor guiding and supporting their path to recovery at Angel's Recovery.