Updated 136 days ago
505 31st St, Greeley, CO 80631
Why pay more money for the same features at a different store? At Greeley Self Storage we offer the best amenities and options for our customers: security, wide variety of sizes, monthly contract options, and so much more. Find out why Greeley Self Storage is the solution for your storage needs by calling 970-378-1262 or stopping by 505 31st St, Greeley, CO 80631...
Greeley Self Storage isn't like your run-of-the-mill corporate storage company when it comes to cost or convenience. When you choose Greeley Self Storage you're choosing a controlled personal experience where your concerns and satisfaction are our No. 1 priority. You won't find service this dedicated from other storage facilities...
Greeley Self Storage prides itself on the safety of your items. We provide an on-site manager and 24-hour video surveillance. But our security measures don't stop there. Our facility is equipped with motion detectors, alarms, and fences. The area is also well lit.