Allison Ashley

Job Titles:
  • Software Development Engineer
Allison is passionate about her walk with Jesus, and serving others by connecting them to Christ and each other. She enjoys connecting with others over a meal or simply a good cup of tea with scones. Allison is a Software Development Engineer at a local software company and has degrees in Math and Statistics. Prior to working as a Software Development Engineer, she worked as a Research Assistant evaluating various transform methods for DNA sequence analysis of the Human Genome.

Andrew Joslin

Andrew is a PLL alumnus, high-level tech software engineer and team lead, continually blazing new trails for startups across the country. A resident of Vancouver, Washington, with his wife, Amy, Andrew has a passion for ministry. For the past seven years, he has helped run an orphanage in Kenya. His passion for efficiency helps PLL navigate the myriad cloud platforms available and assess what is most necessary for the ministry to thrive. Andrew loves the outdoors and travel and has a quest for continual adventure that will challenge both mind and body.

Cathy Lee

Cathy has enjoyed a diverse career, holding executive leadership positions in a variety of companies, including a multi-million dollar business for a global technology leader serving Fortune 500 companies around the globe. Later, she served on the staff of her church, one of three leaders responsible for 700 adult members, 11 staff and more than 40 volunteer leaders. Cathy has been teaching the Bible to children and adults for much of her life. She has led children's and women's ministries in her church and women's weekend retreats in Arkansas and Texas. She recently joined PLL as a Coach Presenter and is excited to share this journey with others. She is a Professional Christian Life Coach, earning her Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and her Certified Christian Coach credential from the Christian Coaches Network International (CCNI). She's an avid reader and lifelong learner. She loves to travel and play with landscape photography. In addition to living in Europe for several years, she has traveled to more than 20 countries on five continents, including Antarctica. She and her best friend John have been married since 1981.

Cheryl Scanlan - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Cheryl Scanlan is the founder of Promised Land Living and has been practicing her passion for coaching for almost 20 years. She is a certified MCCand CMCC coach and is one of only a handful of coaches in the country who possess this combination of coaching designations. As a natural teacher, Cheryl developed an ICF-approved coach training program that has deeply impacted its students. She served as Provost of Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI), the largest virtual Christian coach training school in the world for ten years. Cheryl is a Precept trained Bible Study teacher and has studied the Bible inductively for over 20 years. Cheryl has trained over 3,000 coaches with experience that exceeds 15,000 hours of coaching. Her combination of business acumen and passion for coaching has facilitated the development of confident ambassadors for Christ. Promised Land Living is the confluence of those two qualities as the ministry equips people to live abundantly, as God intends.

Elizabeth McCarty

Elizabeth desires to help others gain clarity and move forward knowing God's truth. She was first a Promised Land Living participant, and it changed her more than she ever imagined. This profound personal impact led her to become more involved with the ministry. Elizabeth brings over a decade of experience serving on several boards. Her substantial experience working with nonprofits and helping navigate their fundraising needs is a huge asset to the Promised Land Living as the ministry continues to grow.

Jen Day

Job Titles:
  • PLL Ministry Member
Jen Day is a longtime PLL ministry member. She went through PLL in 2008 and has been involved with the ministry ever since. She is a natural encourager and has found joy in helping others find freedom in Christ. You'll find Jen to be very open and honest - but she loves to laugh and be silly too! Her two boys keep her and her hubby of 21 years VERY busy! She is excited for the opportunity to engage with the alumni community and see what God is up to.

John Pitman

John's background is in corporate finance and planning. Since leaving that world, he assists nonprofit and small companies to grow and thrive. His focus and passion is to help people and organizations reach their purpose and potential. This is what attracted him to PLL. The worldview of retirement is crossing the finish line and resting, but the biblical exhortation is to keep growing in Christ to full maturity. PLL provides tools to help that vital goal. He and his wife, Lee Ellen, have lived in Raleigh since 2011 with the exception of two years in northern Colorado assisting a church plant. Having now returned, they are once again near their two children, two grandchildren and their delightful daughter-in-law.

Kara McLendon

Kara got her first peek into the Promised Land Living ministry through Cheryl speaking at a MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers). She later went through PLL in 2019-2020. This began a journey for her of more actively learning to use God-given tools to battle her anxiety and move into freedom. She began working with the ministry a few months later and currently serves as an administrative assistant working mostly on course launches and communications. Kara has lived in the Raleigh, N.C., area since fourth grade, continuing to stay for college at Meredith and raise a family. She is married to Christopher and is the mother of a son and two daughters. She is also an elementary school educator with experience as a second grade teacher, math coach, and math intervention teacher. Currently she is serving as a part-time math specialist for upper elementary grades in addition to volunteering at her childrens' school.

LaShanda Hunter

LaShanda's heart posture is to live in the simplicity of God. As a participant in Promised Land Living, she sought clarity from all the busyness of life. The process revealed fresh kingdom language to her that changed the rhythm of her thinking. A lifetime of journaling powered her passion to become a better communicator. In the early stages of her discipleship - she wrote out every sermon she ever heard in-person and online. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Living Arts College. She personally loves documentaries about machinery and about everyday people. And she is also a big, big I Love Lucy fan. She has volunteered with online bible study classes and is now serving as a host to our coach presenters.

Nicki Rogers

Nicki first went through Promised Land Living in 2016, and she started working for PLL in 2018. She has a passion for true discipleship-the life-on-life, sometimes costly, process of walking with people that just can't be mass produced. She loves working with the PLL team and being part of helping people step into the freedom that God has given them. Nicki lives in North Carolina with her husband and dog Lilly. They enjoy escape rooms, board games, and spending time with friends.

Pamela Mertz

Pamela Mertz lives to share what God is up to in her life. She has operated her own sales company in high-tech electronics for 35 years. She has co-lead women's ministry for over 15 years, is an ICF ACC certified life coach, Strengths Champion, and Quality Improvement Coach through Dartmouth Microsystems Academy. Pam is very involved in bringing the Coach Approach to her work in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She has served on both for-profit and nonprofit Boards and held leadership positions both locally and nationally. She loves to share the reason for hope within her speaking engagements as God leads. Pamela is married to Lou Mertz, and is the mother of three adult sons. They live in St. Michael, MN.

Rebecca Camplejohn

Rebecca has participated and volunteered with Promised Land Living for 10 years. She currently serves as a web host and the host trainer. Rebecca grew up in Papua New Guinea where her parents were missionaries. After high school she attended Bible school in Europe and then earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Southern California. She served in the United States Air Force as a maternity nurse where she met and married her husband, Chris, of 26 years. Rebecca homeschooled her three now almost grown children. She fills her days volunteering in a local refugee community as the medical coordinator and walking in her PLL heartland of "connection leading to service" and "authentic salvation."

Steve Mattingly

Steve exemplifies his life mission as a loving facilitator who, by support and example, helps others fully realize and accomplish their God-gifted, Spirit-empowered life calling. He has a bachelor's degree in business with highest honors in marketing from the University of Louisville. Steve is a Certified Professional Life Coach with PCCI, an ICF ACC certified coach, a certified PQ COACH™ , an Associate Coach with Way of Life Coaching, and a Certified Presenter Coach with Promised Land Living. Steve's ministry experience ranges from small group leadership/facilitation to finance chairman and Chairman of the Deacon Board. His most prized ministry experiences are building the strategic plan and co-founding the North Haven Child Development Center and faithfully supporting the mission for Promised Land Living. Steve resides in Cary, North Carolina, with his wife Jenny. They are blessed with four children with wonderful spouses and four grandchildren. Steve loves to hike, mountain bike, scuba dive, grill, dine, travel and most recently play pickleball.

Zane Creamer

While serving as Women's Ministry Director at Crossroads Fellowship, Raleigh, Zane participated in the first cohort of Promised Land Living and it became a pivotal part of the discipleship offerings for women at the church. After 13 years in women's ministry, she retired, but continues to serve on the Promised Land Living board and the board of the Raleigh Dream Center, the leadership team of JourneyMates, and is part of the launch team for Renovaré's Fellowship of the Burning Heart. She is a certified spiritual director and has completed the Renovaré Institute and received an MA in Spiritual Direction and Formation from Richmont Graduate University. From a base in Raleigh NC, with husband, Jack, three grown sons have launched into the world, landing in Salisbury, N.C., New Orleans, La., and one recently deployed with the Army to Kuwait for a year. She's also a nut for pickleball, makes a couple of trips to the gym each week and plans future travel.