EMC-SEMINARS - Key Persons

Nils Dirks

Job Titles:
  • Founder & Owner, DCC
  • Inhaber DCC
Nils Dirks arbeitete in den Jahren 1989-1991 als freier Mitarbeiter der Firma Compact Software, Paterson (New Jersey), wo er Erfahrungen in der C-Programmierung von Simulationstools sammelte. In 1992 he released the initial version of his Power-Integrity-Tool SILENT, which is still undergoing continous development and extension. In 1993 he founded 'Dirks Compliance Consulting' launching the event "EMV-Praxis" (EMC-hands-on). Since 2003 he is involved in this EMC-seminar-series also as a speaker. His very well equiped lab is where he enjoys digging into the details of EMC-phenomena. In part in order to solve actual EMC-issues for his customers, and in part to shove light on the important mechanisms of EMC enabling the development of new slides for the seminars. Apart from teaching seminars, he is giving presentations and has published numerous papers on EMC/EMI.