Aaron Froud - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Board
Aaron brings significant financial management expertise to the board of the Y and is a Partner of local accounting firm BellchambersBarrett with over 20 years' experience in providing accounting and taxation services. He has Bachelor degrees in Economics and Commerce from ANU as well as a Graduate Diploma in Chartered Accounting. Aaron's passion for the Y comes from a hope to see the families and communities of Canberra thrive. A director of YMCA Canberra since 2014, Aaron also Chairs the Board's Finance & Risk Sub-Committee.

Cara Moore

Job Titles:
  • Executive Manager, Children 's Services

Catherine McGufficke

Catherine brings to the Y 25 years experience in change management, organisation development and human resources and is passionate about supporting community organisations to grow and thrive. She is the Director of an organisation that works with communities and organisations to navigate change and is experienced in delivering complex projects in not-for-profit (NFP), government and private sector environments. Catherine is passionate about supporting young people to develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive as they navigate a rapidly changing future. She has held volunteer roles with The Girls Leadership Network (TGLN) and Country to Canberra, both organisations committed to supporting girls in years 11 and 12 to develop leadership and advocacy skills. Catherine has a Bachelor of Commerce specialising in Marketing and Organisational Behaviour from Griffith University and has studied Strategic Human Resources Management at the Australian Graduate School of Management. She has also completed a Foundation in NeuroLeadership with the NeuroLeadership Institute.

Clare Sullivan

Clare has over 25 years experience in organisational and community leadership and is passionate about working to make communities healthier and more cohesive. Clare has developed a strong interest in preventative health and advocacy, and manages the Heart Foundation's national advocacy agenda and well as being the General Manager of the ACT. Clare has worked across all three levels of government as well as a Chief of Staff and CEO of an advocacy organization. Clare has a Masters of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma in Management and numerous other qualifications and accreditation.

Edward Eyers

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Chair
Edward has worked as a lawyer for over 20 years, in Canberra and overseas and is currently a partner at a local law firm. Edward has been familiar with the Y Canberra Region for many years now from both a community and a professional perspective. Now a father of three, he joins the Y as a keen Board Member, with a vision to continue providing services and support to young people, enabling them to feel connected and valued. Edward joined the Y Canberra Region Board in November 2022.

Elisabeth Judd

Elisabeth has extensive experience working in the public and private sectors across planning, urban policy, affordable housing, the development industry and in law. She currently works as a Director in a firm that specialises in architecture and urban strategy. A mother of three children, Elisabeth values the contribution the YMCA can make to the development and wellbeing of young people in Canberra, and promoting social health and wellbeing. Elisabeth has been a member of the YMCA Canberra Board since 2017.

Garry Watson OAM

Garry has worked in the tourism sector for over 30 years, with extensive knowledge and impact on the ACT tourism region with educational visitors. Currently, Garry works as the Project Leader of the National Education Tourism Project, a partnership he created that sees 170,000 school students visit Canberra through their schools each year. He is also a key member in the Canberra Region Tourism Awards and has worked extensively with the ACT attractions sector. Garry has been awarded the 2014 ACT Skills Volunteer of the Year Award, CRTA Outstanding Contribution by an Individual Award, and has been awarded an OAM. Garry has been re-elected to the Y Canberra Region board, after a 20+ year contribution previously. He is passionate about the continuing to provide opportunities and support to young people and helping drive our impact for our community.

Jenny McCombe

Jenny has over 30 years' experience working in the community and education sector and was previously the CEO of YMCA Canberra for 14 years. Jenny has been a director of Y Australia since Nov 2018 and is the National Board's inaugural Safeguarding Sponsor. She is also a director of Y Safeguarding and a registered Responsible Person on the Y Safeguarding Public Fund. Jenny was appointed a Life Governor of Y Australia and also of Y Canberra. In 2015 she was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for her services to the community, in particular to youth organisations. Jenny is a strong advocate for the rights of children, and remains committed to raising the profile of women and young people in leadership roles. She holds a Bachelor of Education and Diploma of Teaching. Jenny joined the YMCA Canberra Board in October 2021

Joanne Hoare

Job Titles:
  • Executive Manager, People and Culture

Josh Duke

Job Titles:
  • Manager at Deloitte
A proud Dunghutti man, Josh is a Manager at Deloitte with over seven years' experience in providing professional services to Federal Government, listed and non-listed clients across Australia. A highly accomplished Chartered Accountant, Josh was the recipient of the 2021 ACT Young Chartered Accountant of the Year award and the Indigenous Leaders Program Scholarship through the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves as a Director for Bangarra Dance Theatre, Ausdance ACT and the Young Chartered Accountants' Committee Canberra. Josh believes in the power of inspired young people and is determined to contribute to the Y's role in enabling young people to continue to impact our community today and well into the future.

Kirsty Dixon - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer

Marcos Correa

Job Titles:
  • Executive Manager, Risk and Innovation

Sam Duffy-Yates

Job Titles:
  • Senior Manager, Brand & Youth Voice

Simon Scarano

Job Titles:
  • Executive Manager, Finance & Operations