3 ASPENS MEDIA - Key Persons

Alex Nichols

Job Titles:
  • Content Writer
  • Writer
Alex is a writer with over a decade of experience creating engaging content for various corporate clients and university partners. He's also a filmmaker, a published author of short stories, a seasoned improviser and improv teacher, a comedy podcaster and a dad. He has a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas.

Caitlin Baker

Job Titles:
  • Design Services Coordinator
Caitlin Baker works behind the scenes to execute our clients' visions online. Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Caitlin spent 10 years learning, and eventually managing, her family's hometown business. With that experience, paired with a Psychology degree from Wilmington College, she pursued a career in industrial manufacturing and

Dillon Calkins

Job Titles:
  • Design Services Manager
Dillon leads the Design Services team. In this role, he oversees the creation and design of print and digital assets, collaborates with the 3 Aspens team and our clients to manage design projects, and coordinates with our creative business partners, including graphic designers and audiovisual professionals. Dillon brings a decade of experience and professional development to the position, studying digital media at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He also has a customer service and marketing background from Starbucks and Modern Distribution Management.

Jackie McCaffrey Bradley

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
Jackie has more than 10 years of graphic design and publishing under her belt, including as Creative Director for Active Interest Media's Mountain Group. She excels at presenting complex information in a clean, easy-to-digest style. She has a BFA from Syracuse University in Communication Design.

Jennifer Kern

Job Titles:
  • Director of SEO and Client Analytics
Jen is a data junkie who brings more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing strategy and execution to 3 Aspens Media. She specializes in growing web traffic through organic search, maximizing lead generation efforts, and website optimization. Jen was previously the Marketing Director of Modern Distribution Management (mdm.com), where she oversaw all digital marketing efforts including email marketing, landing page optimization, A/B testing, SEO, and PPC. She earned her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

Karla Jones-Stone

Job Titles:
  • Client Success Manager
Karla is an experienced professional in marketing, development and business administration. Her previous industries include sports and entertainment, health and wellness as well as non-profit organizations, where she directed complex projects from concept to fully operational status. She earned her B.B.A. from The Fox School of Business at Temple University as a student/athlete (volleyball) and currently lives in Miami.

Lauren White

Job Titles:
  • Senior Content Writer
  • Strategist, Writer
Lauren is a professional content strategist, writer and storyteller. She is passionate about helping businesses tell their stories by defining their voice and unlocking internal knowledge and authority. With that, she helps them find the best approach to reach their ideal audiences so they can capture strategic content opportunities that support their business goals. She has a strong background writing and strategizing for B2B, B2C and SEO content initiatives. She earned her BA in Creative Writing from Florida State University.

Lindsay Young - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
Lindsay founded 3 Aspens Media. She is a professional writer, editor, marketer and communications specialist with an MBA and more than 20 years of experience leading and producing online and print publications. She has particular expertise in B-to-B communications and has written and edited hundreds of blog posts and articles on best practices and trends in the business world. She was previously the editor of Modern Distribution Management (mdm.com), the leading resource for wholesale distribution industry executives.

Megan Burns

Job Titles:
  • Design Services Intern
Megan is 3 Aspens Media's first intern! She is a student at Colorado Mesa University pursuing a degree in graphic design with a minor in theatrical design. Always looking for the next challenge or the next thing to learn, Megan is so excited to begin this next phase of her career journey. In the future, she hopes to join the design niche of creating brand identity and package design.

Nina Baker

Job Titles:
  • Client Success Manager
Nina brings a variety of life and professional experiences, a love of writing, a facility for organization, and the ability to creatively collaborate to her role as a Client Success Manager. Her experience includes writing blogs, articles, website content, testimonials, case studies, and designing email campaigns. With 16 years of experience in marketing to the industrial sector, she understands the unique conditions of the distribution and manufacturing marketplace.

Rebecca Kneipp

Job Titles:
  • Client Success Manager

Rob Johnson

Job Titles:
  • President, Innovative Productivity Technologies ( IPT )

Robin Walters

Job Titles:
  • Senior Content Writer
Robin Walters is a "seasoned but not too salty" content writer with a lengthy professional background in healthcare consulting, sales and technical recruiting. She's written for just about every industry, topic and channel her employers and clients can dream up but has particular expertise in healthcare, technology and HR. Robin's professional writing career dates to 2014, when she opened a freelance writing business. Robin earned a master's in integrated marketing communications from Franklin University and hoped to go back and finish her educational journey someday with a Ph.D. in sociology. There's also a novel cooking somewhere if only she could find the time. Robin also runs a small organic farm called Two Old Birds Acre in Columbus, Ohio.

Shannon Gayton

Job Titles:
  • Professional Writer
  • Senior Content Writer
Shannon is a professional writer with nearly a decade of experience working primarily with industrial and safety distributors and manufacturers, as well as skilled trades businesses. Her background includes writing case studies, industry reports, blogs, website copy, emails and product descriptions designed to drive engagement and conversions. Shannon earned a BA in Psychology and Research from Saint Leo University. She combines her writing, research and interviewing background with her diverse work experience to connect with business owners and their employees, capturing their unique voice and sharing their stories. When not working, she enjoys strength training and spending time with her husband and son at the baseball field, on the boat or at the beach.

Teri Vannoy - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Teri, a former Iowa Hawkeye, specializes in helping B2B businesses clarify content goals, execute content strategy and deliver content effectively. Over the past 25 years, Teri has written and edited countless whitepapers, newsletters, books, case studies, blogs and websites and led multi-functional creative teams to achieve clients' objectives. She brings an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for pursuing an advantage from understanding to 3 Aspens Media and our clients.