Haji Ghulam Muhammad

Haji Ghulam Muhammad (Late) was the founder of this institution. He led his entire life with honesty and hardwork. The finest instance of his honesty and fairplay was that he succeeded in earning the farmers' trust; and the farmers' rich and lush green fields had been a self-explanatory evidence of his success. Haji Ghulam Muhammad (Late) initiated a Urea Business namely Habib Fertilizers. It was the time when the seller's or dealer's personality was regarded more credible and trustworthy than his product. His untiring toil and dedication rendered highly lucrative business to his allied urea factories too. Having been bestowed with the ‘Record Sale Award in Arifwala' was also a fruit of his consistent effort and honesty. One of his very insightful maxims still reverberates in my mind that honesty and struggle are such invincible forces that bring success under your feet. He was indeed a great father, a great trader and a great human being. Though he is not physically present among us, we feel him around for his axiomatically true adages and principles.