BPS - History of Changes

2021-12-07 delete address Second floor, No. 9, Eighth Street, Ghaem Magham Farahani st, Tehran, Iran
2021-12-07 delete email ab..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email da..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email ja..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email ma..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email me..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email st..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete email ta..@bpsanat.com
2021-12-07 delete phone +982188517315
2021-12-07 insert address 2nd floor, Carmania building, No. 621, 21 km of Tehran-Karaj road, Tehran, Iran
2021-12-07 insert phone +989112383667
2021-12-07 insert phone +989122301605
2021-12-07 insert phone +989122827532
2021-12-07 insert phone +989122938562
2021-12-07 insert phone +989123955772
2021-12-07 insert phone +989125793162
2021-12-07 insert phone +989195039974
2021-09-10 insert email al..@bpsanat.com
2021-09-10 insert email kh..@bpsanat.com
2021-09-10 insert phone +982191070081
2020-10-04 delete fax + 982188517318
2020-10-04 delete phone 1586868115
2020-10-04 insert address No. 31, Lashgari Highway, Azadi Square, Tehran, Iran
2020-10-04 insert fax + 982191008977
2020-10-04 insert phone + 982191008977
2020-10-04 insert phone 1391955411
2019-11-28 insert email go..@bpsanat.com
2019-11-28 insert email ta..@bpsanat.com
2019-11-28 insert email ya..@bpsanat.com