COUNCIL - History of Changes

2024-08-13 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-13 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-13 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-13 delete person Moumita Koley
2024-08-13 delete source_ip
2024-08-13 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-13 insert person Peter Kraus
2024-08-13 insert source_ip
2024-08-13 insert source_ip
2024-08-13 update person_title Dureen Samandar Eweis: Science Officer / International Science => Science Officer
2024-08-13 update person_title Gustav Kessel: Special Advisor to CFRS / International Science => Member of Committee for Freedom; Special Advisor / Committee for Freedom and Responsibility
2024-08-13 update person_title James Waddell: Science Officer, Political Affairs Liaison / International Science => Science Officer, Political Affairs Liaison
2024-08-13 update person_title Krushil Watene: Associate Professor; Member of Committee => Member of Committee
2024-08-13 update person_title Motoko Kotani: Vice - President for Science and Society / International Science => Vice - Chair of the ISC Fellowship
2024-08-13 update person_title Peter Bridgewater: Special Adviser to the ISC and ISC Fellow ( 2023 ) International Science => Regional; Special Adviser to the ISC and ISC Fellow ( 2023 ) International Science
2024-08-13 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: Executive Secretary of CFRS and Senior Science Officer / International Science => Member of Committee for Freedom
2024-07-12 delete cco Alison Meston
2024-07-12 delete ceo Salvatore Aricò
2024-07-12 delete chairman Motoko Kotani
2024-07-12 delete otherexecutives Daya Reddy
2024-07-12 delete otherexecutives Léa Nacache
2024-07-12 delete otherexecutives Mayette Geronimo
2024-07-12 delete otherexecutives Nina Maher
2024-07-12 delete otherexecutives Sarah Moore
2024-07-12 delete personal_emails
2024-07-12 delete personal_emails
2024-07-12 delete president Daya Reddy
2024-07-12 delete vp Elisa Reis
2024-07-12 insert president Beatrice Weder di Mauro
2024-07-12 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-12 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-12 delete email
2024-07-12 delete email
2024-07-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-12 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-12 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-12 delete person Karina Batthyany
2024-07-12 delete person Kathryn Galloway
2024-07-12 delete person Mathieu Denis
2024-07-12 insert person Beatrice Weder di Mauro
2024-07-12 insert person Dr. Patila Amosa
2024-07-12 insert person Helena B. Nader
2024-07-12 insert person John G. Hildebrand
2024-07-12 insert person Ke Gong
2024-07-12 insert person Walter O. Oyawa
2024-07-12 update person_description Alexandra Guennec => Alexandra Guennec
2024-07-12 update person_description Alison Meston => Alison Meston
2024-07-12 update person_description Gustav Kessel => Gustav Kessel
2024-07-12 update person_title Adebayo Olukoshi: Distinguished Professor, Wits School of Governance, University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa => Fellow; ISC Fellow ( Dec 2022 )
2024-07-12 update person_title Aleta Johnston: Communications Manager of the ISC Focal Point for Asia - Pacific, Hosted by the Australian Academy of Science; Communications Manager; Communications Manager, Asia and the Pacific => Communications Manager
2024-07-12 update person_title Alexandra Guennec: Senior Human Resources Officer => Senior Human Resources Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Alice Abreu: Member of the 2021 Elections Committee; Member of the ISC Elections Committee; Member of Several Important Boards and Advisory Committees; Professor Emerita => Fellow; ISC Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Alik Ismail-Zadeh: Senior Research Fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany / past Secretary of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow; Secretary => Staff Member
2024-07-12 update person_title Alison Meston: Director, Communications; Member of the Leadership Team; Communications Director => Communications Director / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Anne Thieme: Membership Liaison Officer => Membership Liaison Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Anne-Sophie Stevance: Senior Science Officer, Head of Unit => Senior Science Officer, Head of Global Science Policy Unit
2024-07-12 update person_title Armin Grunwald: Member of the Inaugural Committee for Science Planning 2019 - 2022 => Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Technology / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2024-07-12 update person_title Collin Tukuitonga: Co - Chair => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Craig Callender: Member of Committee => Member of Committee; Professor of Philosophy / University of California
2024-07-12 update person_title Dania Bacardí Fernández: Member of Committee => Senior Specialist / Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
2024-07-12 update person_title Daya Reddy: Member of the ISC Elections Committee; Chairman of Committee; President; ISC President / Chair => Fellow; Member of Committee
2024-07-12 update person_title Dr Heide Hackmann: Ordinary Member => Director of Future Africa and Strategic Advisor on Transdisciplinarity and Global Knowledge Networks at the University of Pretoria in South Africa; Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Dr. Adelle Thomas: Member of Committee; Member of the Liaison Committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point; Senior Scientist at Climate Analytics; Vice - Chair for Working Group Two for the International Panel; Senior Scientist => Vice - Chair / Working Group
2024-07-12 update person_title Dr. Alan Bernstein: Immediate past President; President and Professor Emeritus => Fellow; ISC Fellow ( Dec 2022 )
2024-07-12 update person_title Dureen Samandar Eweis: Science Officer => Science Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Elisa Reis: Vice - President => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Françoise Baylis: Chairman of Committee; Vice - Chair => Fellow; Member of Committee
2024-07-12 update person_title Gabriela Ivan: Membership Development Officer => Membership Development Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Geoffrey Boulton: Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Gustav Kessel: Special Advisor to the Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in Science => Special Advisor to CFRS / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Ismail Serageldin: Honorary Fellow => Honorary Fellow ( Dec 2022 )
2024-07-12 update person_title James C. Liao: Ordinary Member => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title James Waddell: Science Officer, Political Affairs Liaison => Science Officer, Political Affairs Liaison / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Léa Nacache: Communications Officer => Communications Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Maria Paradiso: Geography => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Mary Robinson: Honorary Fellow => Honorary Fellow ( Dec 2022 )
2024-07-12 update person_title Mayette Geronimo: Financial Officer => Financial Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Melody Burkins: Member of Committee; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair => Fellow; Member of Committee
2024-07-12 update person_title Michelle Mycoo: Member of Committee => Professor of Urban and Regional Planning in the Faculty of Engineering
2024-07-12 update person_title Motoko Kotani: Chairman; Mathematics => Vice - President for Science and Society / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Moumita Koley: Consultant Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Projec / Regional => Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Project; Regional
2024-07-12 update person_title Natacha de Marchi: Senior Financial Officer => Senior Financial Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Natalia Tarasova: Russia International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Ordinary Member => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Nina Maher: Project Officer => Projects Officer
2024-07-12 update person_title Pamela Matson: Environmental Science => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Pearl Dykstra: Ordinary Member => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Peter Bridgewater: Special Adviser => Special Adviser to the ISC and ISC Fellow ( 2023 ) International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Prof. Anna Davies: Professor of Geography, Environment and Society at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Ordinary Member => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Prof. Anne Husebekk: Chairman of Committee; Vice - President for Finance => Member of Committee; Vice - President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Richard Bedford: Member of Committee; Vice - Chair => Member of Committee; Emeritus Professor / University of Waikato
2024-07-12 update person_title Robin Grimes: Member of Committee => Member of Committee; Steele Professor of Energy Material / Imperial College
2024-07-12 update person_title Ruth Fincher: Ordinary Member => Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title S. Karly Kehoe: Member of Committee => Member of Committee; ISC Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Salim Abdool Karim: Chairman; Professor; Director of the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa ( CAPRISA ); Vice - President; Director of the Centre => Member of Committee for Outreach; Vice - President; Director of the Centre; Vice - President for Outreach and Engagement / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Salvatore Aricò: ISC CEO; Member of Committee; CEO; Ex Officio; Member of the Leadership Team => ISC CEO; Member of Committee; CEO / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Sarah Clausen: Communications Intern / Operations => Operations; Communications Assistant / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Sarah Moore: Director, Operations; Member of the Leadership Team => Operations Director / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Sawako Shirahase: ISC Vice - President for Finance => ISC Vice - President for Finance; Member of Committee; Vice - President for Finance / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Sayaka Oki: Member of Committee => Member of Committee; Professor
2024-07-12 update person_title Sir Peter Gluckman: Chairman; ISC President; Ex Officio; Chairman of Committee; President - Elect => President / International Science; ISC President; Member of Committee; President of the International Science Council.; President, ISC
2024-07-12 update person_title Staffan I. Lindberg: Member of Committee => Professor & Director / University of Gothenburg; Member of Committee
2024-07-12 update person_title Vanessa McBride: Member of the Leadership Team; Director, Science / Science => Science Director, Acting Head of the Centre for Science Futures / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Vidushi Neergheen: Member of Committee => ISC Fellow
2024-07-12 update person_title Vinton G. Cerf: Honorary Fellow => Honorary Fellow ( Dec 2022 )
2024-07-12 update person_title Virginia R. Dominguez: Vice - Chair => Professor of Anthropology / University of Illinois
2024-07-12 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: CFRS Executive Secretary & Senior Science Officer => Executive Secretary of CFRS and Senior Science Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Yun-Kang Ahn: IT Officer => IT Officer / International Science
2024-07-12 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Senior Communications Officer / Digital Lead => Senior Communications Officer, Digital Lead / International Science
2024-06-08 insert otherexecutives Léa Nacache
2024-06-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-08 insert person Albert van Jaarsveld
2024-06-08 insert person Anderson Ho Cheung SHUM
2024-06-08 insert person Elina Moustaira
2024-06-08 insert person Kathryn Galloway
2024-06-08 insert person Nathalie Lemarchand
2024-06-08 insert person Sarah Clausen
2024-06-08 insert person Van Jaarsveld
2024-06-08 update person_description Cheryl Praeger => Cheryl Praeger
2024-06-08 update person_description Vaughan Turekian => Vaughan Turekian
2024-06-08 update person_title Cheryl Praeger: Member of Committee => Emeritus Professor, Centre for the Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation, University of Western Australia; Member of Committee
2024-06-08 update person_title Léa Nacache: Communications Officer / Operations => Communications Officer
2024-06-08 update person_title Vaughan Turekian: Executive Director of US National Academies' Policy and Global Affairs Division => Executive Director, Policy and Global Affairs Division, US National Academies; Executive Director of US National Academies' Policy and Global Affairs Division
2024-04-12 delete otherexecutives Alexandra Guennec
2024-04-12 insert otherexecutives Sarah Moore
2024-04-12 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-04-12 delete person Anthony "Bud" Rock
2024-04-12 delete person Dania Bacardi Fernández
2024-04-12 delete person Dong Liu
2024-04-12 delete person Nick Ishmael-Perkins
2024-04-12 delete person Nick Scott
2024-04-12 delete person Susanne Moser
2024-04-12 delete person Tracey Elliott
2024-04-12 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2024-04-12 insert person Aleta Johnston
2024-04-12 insert person Dania Bacardí Fernández
2024-04-12 insert person Hélène Jacot des Combes
2024-04-12 insert person Vanessa McBride
2024-04-12 update person_title Alexandra Guennec: Human Resources Officer; Senior Officer Human Resources => Senior Human Resources Officer
2024-04-12 update person_title Anne-Sophie Stevance: Senior Science Officer => Senior Science Officer, Head of Unit
2024-04-12 update person_title James Waddell: Science & Communications Officer => Science Officer, Political Affairs Liaison
2024-04-12 update person_title Megha Sud: Science Officer => Member of the Leadership Team; Senior Science Officer
2024-04-12 update person_title Moumita Koley: Consultant Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Project => Consultant Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Projec / Regional
2024-04-12 update person_title Sarah Moore: Director, Operations / Science; Member of the Leadership Team => Director, Operations; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-09-20 insert otherexecutives Olivia Tighe
2023-09-20 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-20 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-20 insert person Olivia Tighe
2023-09-20 update person_title Anthony "Bud" Rock: Senior Advisor / Communications and Membership Outreach => Senior Advisor
2023-09-20 update person_title Carolina Santacruz-Perez: Science Officer, Latin American and Caribbean Region => Science Officer, Latin American and Caribbean
2023-09-20 update person_title Petra Lundgren: Director of the ISC Focal Point for Asia - Pacific, Hosted by the Australian Academy of Science; Director, Asia - Pacific Region => Director, Asia - Pacific
2023-08-18 delete person Jane Bixler
2023-07-15 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 delete person Jenice Goveas
2023-07-15 delete person Marine Meunier
2023-07-15 delete person Vineeta Yadav
2023-07-15 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-07-15 insert person Dong Liu
2023-07-15 insert person Margaret Spring
2023-07-15 insert person Nick Scott
2023-07-15 insert person Peter Bridgewater
2023-07-15 update person_title Léa Nacache: Communications Officer => Communications Officer; Communications Officer / Operations
2023-04-01 delete person David Kaplan
2023-04-01 delete person Lluis M. Mir
2023-04-01 insert person Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goñi
2023-04-01 insert person Moumita Koley
2023-04-01 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2023-04-01 update person_description Staffan I. Lindberg => Staffan I. Lindberg
2023-04-01 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Digital Lead => Senior Communications Officer / Digital Lead
2023-03-01 delete otherexecutives Miia Ylöstalo-Joubert
2023-03-01 insert otherexecutives Léa Nacache
2023-03-01 delete person Graham Twaddle
2023-03-01 delete person Lizzie Sayer
2023-03-01 insert person Léa Nacache
2023-03-01 insert person Petra Lundgren
2023-03-01 insert person Victor Galaz
2023-03-01 insert person Vineeta Yadav
2023-03-01 update person_description Germán Antonio Gutiérrez Dominguez => Germán Antonio Gutiérrez Dominguez
2023-03-01 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2023-03-01 update person_description Roy MacLeod => Roy MacLeod
2023-03-01 update person_description Twana Kupe => Twana Kupe
2023-03-01 update person_title Alexandra Guennec: Human Resources Officer; Member of the Leadership Team => Human Resources Officer; Senior Officer Human Resources
2023-03-01 update person_title Alison Meston: Member of the Leadership Team; Communications Director => Director, Communications; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-03-01 update person_title Anthony (Bud) Rock: President and CEO of Grandavenir LLC / Senior Advisor, International Science; Senior Advisor => President and CEO of Grandavenir LLC / Senior Advisor, International Science; Senior Advisor / Communications and Membership Outreach
2023-03-01 update person_title Dureen Samandar Eweis: ISC Consultant; Science Officer / Communications and Outreach; Member of the Leadership Team => Science Officer
2023-03-01 update person_title Marine Meunier: Communications Intern / Finance and Administration; Member of the Leadership Team; Communications Intern => Communications Intern / Operations; Communications Intern
2023-03-01 update person_title Mathieu Denis: Senior Director, Head of the Centre for Science Futures / Science; Science Director; Senior Director, Head of the Centre for Science Futures; Member of the Leadership Team => Science Director; Senior Director, Head of the Centre for Science Futures; Member of the Leadership Team; Senior Director, Centre for Science Futures
2023-03-01 update person_title Miia Ylöstalo-Joubert: Administrative Officer => Senior Administrative Officer and PA to the CEO
2023-03-01 update person_title Natacha de Marchi: Accountant => Senior Financial Officer
2023-03-01 update person_title Sarah Moore: Science Officer; Member of the Leadership Team => Director, Operations / Science; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-01-28 insert chairman Zakri Hamid
2023-01-28 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2023-01-28 delete address and-ethnological-sciences-iuaes-2023/ Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2023-01-28 delete person Adelle Thomas
2023-01-28 delete person Alayna Amrein
2023-01-28 delete person Ana Rada
2023-01-28 delete person Dora-Luz Flores
2023-01-28 delete person Dr. Alan Bernstein
2023-01-28 delete person Graciela Díaz de Delgado
2023-01-28 delete person Holly Sommers
2023-01-28 delete person Ingrid Petersson
2023-01-28 delete person Lorrae Van Kerkhoff
2023-01-28 delete person Luis Sobrevia
2023-01-28 delete person Luisa Fernanda Echeverría-King
2023-01-28 delete person Maria del Carmen Samayoa
2023-01-28 delete person R. Daniel Peluffo
2023-01-28 delete person Silvina Ponce Dawson
2023-01-28 delete person William Clark
2023-01-28 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-01-28 insert person Bina Argawal
2023-01-28 insert person Eve El-Chehaly
2023-01-28 insert person Frank Ramsey
2023-01-28 insert person Irasema Alcántara-Ayala
2023-01-28 insert person Jose Ramon Lopez-Portillo
2023-01-28 insert person László Lovász
2023-01-28 insert person Michael Meadows
2023-01-28 insert person Sandra Díaz
2023-01-28 insert person Shirley Malcom
2023-01-28 update person_description Eva Alisic => Eva Alisic
2023-01-28 update person_description Jane Guillier => Jane Guillier
2023-01-28 update person_description Jenice Goveas => Jenice Goveas
2023-01-28 update person_description María Estelí Jarquín => María Estelí Jarquín
2023-01-28 update person_description Twana Kupe => Twana Kupe
2023-01-28 update person_title Carolina Santacruz-Perez: Science Officer, Latin American and Caribbean Region; Science Officer, Regional Focal Point for the Latin American and Caribbean Region => Science Officer, Latin American and Caribbean Region
2023-01-28 update person_title Dureen Samandar Eweis: ISC Consultant; Consultant => ISC Consultant; Science Officer / Communications and Outreach; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-01-28 update person_title Eva Alisic: Associate Professor, University of Melbourne => Professor at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Australia
2023-01-28 update person_title James Wilsdon: Research on Research Institute ( RoRI ) and University of Sheffield, UK => Digital Science Professor of Research Policy & Director at the Research on Research Institute ( RoRI ), United Kingdom
2023-01-28 update person_title Lidia Brito: Regional Director for Sciences in Latin America and Caribbean, UNESCO => Regional Director for Southern Africa, UNESCO
2023-01-28 update person_title María Estelí Jarquín: Expert; Member of Committee for Outreach; Member of the Standing Committee; Deputy Director of International Affairs => Member of Committee for Outreach; Relations Coordinator
2023-01-28 update person_title Mathieu Denis: Science Director; Ex Officio; Member of the Leadership Team; Acting CEO and Science Director; Acting Chief Executive Officer, ISC / Member of the Subcommittee for Finance and Operations => Senior Director, Head of the Centre for Science Futures / Science; Science Director; Senior Director, Head of the Centre for Science Futures; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-01-28 update person_title Megha Sud: Science Officer / Communications and Outreach => Science Officer; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-01-28 update person_title Motoko Kotani: Chairman; ISC President - Elect, Ex Officio; Mathematics; Vice - Chair => Chairman; Deputy Chair; Mathematics
2023-01-28 update person_title Naoko Ishii: Executive Vice President, Professor at Institute of Future Initiative, Director, Center for Global Commons / Member of the Standing Committee for Science Planning 2022 - 2025 => Professor and Executive Vice - President at the University of Tokyo, Inaugural Director of the Center for Global Commons, Japan
2023-01-28 update person_title Peter Strohschneider: null => Professor Emeritus at the Ludwig - Maximilians - University Munich, past President of the German Research Foundation DFG, Germany
2023-01-28 update person_title Yuan Tseh Lee: Member of the => President Emeritus at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica, Taipei
2023-01-28 update person_title Zakri Hamid: Chairman of Atri Advisory, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISC Fellow => Chairman
2022-12-27 delete person Macharia Kamau
2022-12-27 delete person Maria Leptin
2022-12-27 delete person Naledi Pandor
2022-12-27 delete person Thomas Hughes-Hallett
2022-12-27 insert address and-ethnological-sciences-iuaes-2023/ Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2022-12-27 insert person Christian Acemah
2022-12-27 insert person Dureen Samandar Eweis
2022-12-27 insert person Harsh Gupta
2022-12-27 insert person Honorary Fellows
2022-12-27 insert person James Wilsdon
2022-12-27 insert person Marine Meunier
2022-12-27 insert person Michael Atchia
2022-12-27 insert person Oladoyin Odubanjo
2022-12-27 insert person Twana Kupe
2022-12-27 insert person Vint Cerf
2022-12-27 update person_description Daya Reddy => Daya Reddy
2022-12-27 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Dr Heide Hackmann
2022-12-27 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2022-12-27 update person_description Roy MacLeod => Roy MacLeod
2022-12-27 update person_title Holly Sommers: Communications Intern / Finance and Administration; Communications Intern => Communications Intern
2022-11-25 delete otherexecutives Zhenya Tsoy
2022-11-25 insert founder Jahnavi Phalkey
2022-11-25 insert otherexecutives Heide Hackmann
2022-11-25 insert personal_emails
2022-11-25 delete address General Assembly 2021, Muscat, Oman
2022-11-25 delete person Abdulsalam Al-Murshidi
2022-11-25 delete person Alain Prochiantz
2022-11-25 delete person Amal Amin
2022-11-25 delete person Andrew Revkin
2022-11-25 delete person Beatrice Weder di Mauro
2022-11-25 delete person Bernard Sabrier
2022-11-25 delete person Emily Borzcik
2022-11-25 delete person Genner Llanes-Ortiz
2022-11-25 delete person Helen Clark
2022-11-25 delete person Hiroshi Komiyama
2022-11-25 delete person Izabella Teixeira
2022-11-25 delete person James Cameron
2022-11-25 delete person Jeremy Farrar
2022-11-25 delete person Julie Wrigley
2022-11-25 delete person Kamila Navarro
2022-11-25 delete person Karina Sarmiento
2022-11-25 delete person Kebede Kassa Tsegaye
2022-11-25 delete person Phyu Phyu
2022-11-25 delete person Radwan Ziadeh
2022-11-25 delete person Robert Lepenies
2022-11-25 delete person Robin Perutz
2022-11-25 delete person Rupert Gatti
2022-11-25 delete person S. Karly Kehoe
2022-11-25 delete person Saja Al Zoubi
2022-11-25 delete person Seteney Shami
2022-11-25 delete person Stanley Maphosa
2022-11-25 delete person Subbiah Arunachalam
2022-11-25 delete person Susi Moser
2022-11-25 delete person Yvette d'Entremont
2022-11-25 insert email
2022-11-25 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-11-25 insert person Adebayo Olukoshi
2022-11-25 insert person Anthony (Bud) Rock
2022-11-25 insert person Asma Ismail
2022-11-25 insert person Dieter Armbruster
2022-11-25 insert person Ekrem Tatoglu
2022-11-25 insert person Eva Alisic
2022-11-25 insert person Frank Winde
2022-11-25 insert person Gustav Kessel
2022-11-25 insert person Isabel Varela-Nieto
2022-11-25 insert person Jahnavi Phalkey
2022-11-25 insert person Jane Bixler
2022-11-25 insert person Joyce Nyoni
2022-11-25 insert person Krushil Watene
2022-11-25 insert person Lluis M. Mir
2022-11-25 insert person Magdalena Stoeva
2022-11-25 insert person María Estelí Jarquín
2022-11-25 insert person Naim Akhtar Khan
2022-11-25 insert person Naoko Ishii
2022-11-25 insert person Robert French
2022-11-25 insert person Roy MacLeod
2022-11-25 insert person Sandra Mitchell
2022-11-25 insert person Sayaka Oki
2022-11-25 insert person Staffan I. Lindberg
2022-11-25 insert person Susanne Moser
2022-11-25 insert person Waceke Wanjohi
2022-11-25 insert person Yongguan Zhu
2022-11-25 update person_description Daya Reddy => Daya Reddy
2022-11-25 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2022-11-25 update person_description Melody Burkins => Melody Burkins
2022-11-25 update person_title Gabriela Ivan: Junior Administrative Officer; Junior Administration Officer => Membership Development Officer
2022-11-25 update person_title Geoffrey Boulton: Vice - Chair / United Kingdom; Professor; Ordinary Member => Regius Professor of Geology Emeritus, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair
2022-11-25 update person_title Heide Hackmann: Interim Director of Future Africa; Ex - Officio => Strategic Advisor; Ex - Officio; Director
2022-11-25 update person_title James Waddell: Junior Communications Officer => Science & Communications Officer
2022-11-25 update person_title Jenice Goveas: Consultant Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Project / Regional; Consultant => Consultant Campaign Manager for the Future of Scientific Publishing Project; Consultant
2022-11-25 update person_title Mathieu Denis: Science Director; Member of the Leadership Team; Acting CEO and Science Director; Acting Chief Executive Officer, ISC / Member of the Subcommittee for Finance and Operations => Science Director; Ex Officio; Member of the Leadership Team; Acting CEO and Science Director; Acting Chief Executive Officer, ISC / Member of the Subcommittee for Finance and Operations
2022-11-25 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Communications Officer => Digital Lead
2022-09-22 delete chairman Zakri Abdul Hamid
2022-09-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2022-09-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2022-09-22 delete address 44th-scientific-assembly/ Megaron, Athens, Greece
2022-09-22 delete address Avenue du Lac du Bourget, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
2022-09-22 delete address wcss-soil-science-2022/ Glasgow, UK
2022-09-22 delete email
2022-09-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-09-22 delete person Courtney Radsch
2022-09-22 delete person Daniel Williams
2022-09-22 delete person Elodie Chabrol
2022-09-22 delete person Felix Bast
2022-09-22 delete person Jennifer Metcalfe
2022-09-22 delete person Marta Entradas
2022-09-22 delete person Muireann Irish
2022-09-22 delete person Paul Richards
2022-09-22 delete person Tawana Kupe
2022-09-22 insert person Adelle Thomas
2022-09-22 insert person Ana Rada
2022-09-22 insert person Dora-Luz Flores
2022-09-22 insert person Graciela Díaz de Delgado
2022-09-22 insert person Luis Sobrevia
2022-09-22 insert person Luisa Fernanda Echeverría-King
2022-09-22 insert person Maria del Carmen Samayoa
2022-09-22 insert person R. Daniel Peluffo
2022-09-22 insert person Silvina Ponce Dawson
2022-09-22 update person_description Anda Popovici => Anda Popovici
2022-09-22 update person_description Dr. Connie Nshemereirwe => Connie Nshemereirwe
2022-09-22 update person_description Craig Calhoun => Craig Calhoun
2022-09-22 update person_description Daya Reddy => Daya Reddy
2022-09-22 update person_description Elisa Reis => Elisa Reis
2022-09-22 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Heide Hackmann
2022-09-22 update person_description Magdalena Skipper => Magdalena Skipper
2022-09-22 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2022-09-22 update person_description Melissa Leach => Melissa Leach
2022-09-22 update person_description Melody Burkins => Melody Burkins
2022-09-22 update person_description Natalia Tarasova => Natalia Tarasova
2022-09-22 update person_description Zakri Abdul Hamid => Zakri Abdul Hamid
2022-09-22 update person_title Alik Ismail-Zadeh: Secretary; Secretary of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021 => Senior Research Fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, past Secretary of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow; Secretary
2022-09-22 update person_title Anda Popovici: Junior Science Officer => Science Officer
2022-09-22 update person_title Anna Davies: Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member => Member of the ISC Governing Board; Fellow; Professor; Ordinary Member
2022-09-22 update person_title Carlos Lopes: Fellow => Professor at the Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Visiting Professor at Sciences Po, Paris, France, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Carlos Nobre: Fellow => Senior Scientist at the University of São Paulo 's Institute for Advanced Studies, Brazil, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Connie Nshemereirwe: Science & Policy Advisor => Director of the Africa Science Leadership Programme, Future Africa Campus, University of Pretoria, South Africa, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Daya Reddy: Member of the ISC Elections Committee; ISC President; President; ISC President / Chair => Member of the ISC Elections Committee; President; ISC President / Chair; Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town ( UCT ), South Africa, ISC President 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Elisa Reis: Vice - President of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Vice - President => Professor of Political Sociology at the Federal University; Vice - President
2022-09-22 update person_title Ernest Aryeetey: Fellow => Foundation Secretary - General of the African Research Universities Alliance ( ARUA ), Professor of Economics at the University of Ghana, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Gabriela Ivan: Junior Administration Officer => Junior Administrative Officer; Junior Administration Officer
2022-09-22 update person_title Gordon McBean: Fellow => Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography and Environment, Western University, Research Chair, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Canada, Former ICSU President, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Heide Hackmann: Inaugural Chief Executive Officer, 2018 - 2022; Ex - Officio => Interim Director of Future Africa; Ex - Officio
2022-09-22 update person_title James C. Liao: Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member => President of the Academy of Sciences ( Academia Sinica ) in Taipei, past Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow; Ordinary Member
2022-09-22 update person_title Jeffrey Sachs: Fellow => Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, United States, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Johan Rockström: Fellow => Joint Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany, ISC Fellow, Member of the
2022-09-22 update person_title LI Jinghai: Vice President of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Vice - President => President of the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC ), past Vice President of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow; Vice - President
2022-09-22 update person_title Luiz Davidovich: Fellow => Secretary - General of the World Academy of Sciences ( TWAS ), ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Magdalena Skipper: Fellow => Fellow; Editor in Chief; Chief Editorial Advisor
2022-09-22 update person_title Marlene Kanga: Fellow => Non Executive Director at Standards Australia, Airservices Australia, Sydney Water, and BESydney, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Melody Burkins: Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024 / past Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2018 - 2021 / ISC Fellow; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair => Director of the Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth Co; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair
2022-09-22 update person_title Mohamed Hassan: Fellow => President of the World Academy of Sciences ( TWAS ), President of the Sudanese National Academy of Sciences ( SNAS ), ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Motoko Kotani: Mathematics => ISC President - Elect, Ex Officio; Mathematics
2022-09-22 update person_title Natalia Tarasova: Russia International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member => Director of the Institute of Chemistry; Ordinary Member
2022-09-22 update person_title Paul Nurse: Fellow => Director of the Francis Crick Institute in London and Chancellor of the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Pearl Dykstra: Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member => Professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Scientific Director of ODISSEI, Netherlands; Ordinary Member
2022-09-22 update person_title Richard Catlow: Fellow => Co - President of the InterAcademy Partnership ( IAP ), ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Ruth Fincher: Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member => Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Melbourne, Australia, past Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021, ISC Fellow; Ordinary Member
2022-09-22 update person_title Sirimali Fernando: Ordinary Member => Member of the ISC Governing Board; Fellow; Professor and Chair of Microbiology
2022-09-22 update person_title Takaaki Kajita: Fellow => President of the Science Council of Japan, Special University Professor at the University of Tokyo, ISC Fellow
2022-09-22 update person_title Zakri Abdul Hamid: Chairman; Scientist => Chairman of Atri Advisory, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISC Fellow
2022-07-21 delete address data-week-2022/ Seoul, South Korea
2022-07-21 delete person Arianna Becerril-García
2022-07-21 insert address 44th-scientific-assembly/ Megaron, Athens, Greece
2022-07-21 insert address Avenue du Lac du Bourget, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
2022-07-21 insert address wcss-soil-science-2022/ Glasgow, UK
2022-07-21 insert person Binyam Sisay Mendisu
2022-06-20 delete person Aditya Sadhanala
2022-06-20 delete person Joeri Rogelj
2022-06-20 delete person Sherilee Harper
2022-06-20 delete person Shymaa Enany
2022-06-20 insert address data-week-2022/ Seoul, South Korea
2022-06-20 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-06-20 insert person Alberto Martinelli
2022-06-20 insert person Carlos Lopes
2022-06-20 insert person Carlos Nobre
2022-06-20 insert person Ernest Aryeetey
2022-06-20 insert person Gordon McBean
2022-06-20 insert person Jane Lubchenco
2022-06-20 insert person Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
2022-06-20 insert person Jeffrey Sachs
2022-06-20 insert person Luiz Davidovich
2022-06-20 insert person Marlene Kanga
2022-06-20 insert person Mohamed Hassan
2022-06-20 insert person Paul Nurse
2022-06-20 insert person Richard Catlow
2022-06-20 insert person Takaaki Kajita
2022-06-20 update person_description Anne Husebekk => Anne Husebekk
2022-06-20 update person_description Craig Calhoun => Craig Calhoun
2022-06-20 update person_title Anne Husebekk: Vice - President; Vice - President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science ( 2022 - 2024 ); Chairman / Norway => Vice - President; Chairman / Norway
2022-06-20 update person_title Johan Rockström: Member of the => Fellow
2022-06-20 update person_title Magdalena Skipper: Member of the => Fellow
2022-06-20 update person_title Maria Paradiso: Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024; Geography => Geography
2022-06-20 update person_title Melody Burkins: Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024 / past Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair => Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024 / past Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2018 - 2021 / ISC Fellow; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair
2022-06-20 update person_title Pamela Matson: Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024 / Member of the; Environmental Science => Environmental Science
2022-06-20 update person_title Salim Abdool Karim: Vice - President for Outreach and Engagement ( 2022 - 2024 ); Vice - President => Vice - President
2022-06-20 update person_title Sawako Shirahase: Vice - President for Finance; Vice - President; Member of the ISC 's Committee => Vice - President
2022-05-19 delete address 1 Avenue Junot, 75018 Paris, France
2022-05-19 delete person Arno de Marchi
2022-04-18 delete ceo Heide Hackmann
2022-04-18 insert chairman Enrique Forero
2022-04-18 insert president Barend Mons
2022-04-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-04-18 delete person Edgar Pieterse
2022-04-18 delete person Jian Liu
2022-04-18 delete person Sarah Talon Sampieri
2022-04-18 delete person Susanne C. Moser
2022-04-18 insert address 1 Avenue Junot, 75018 Paris, France
2022-04-18 insert person Alayna Amrein
2022-04-18 insert person Barend Mons
2022-04-18 insert person Dr. Alan Bernstein
2022-04-18 insert person Dr. Connie Nshemereirwe
2022-04-18 insert person Eve El-Chehaly
2022-04-18 insert person Gabriela Ivan
2022-04-18 insert person Holly Sommers
2022-04-18 insert person Ingrid Petersson
2022-04-18 insert person Jenice Goveas
2022-04-18 insert person Lorrae Van Kerkhoff
2022-04-18 insert person William Clark
2022-04-18 insert person Zakri Abdul Hamid
2022-04-18 update person_description Enrique Forero => Enrique Forero
2022-04-18 update person_description Ian Goldin => Ian Goldin
2022-04-18 update person_title Enrique Forero: Professor; President of the Colombian Academy of Exact => Chairman; Chairman, Latin American and Caribbean Region; Member of the ISC Committee
2022-04-18 update person_title Heide Hackmann: ISC Chief Executive Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Ex - Officio; Chief Executive Officer => Inaugural Chief Executive Officer, 2018 - 2022 / Member of the; Ex - Officio
2022-04-18 update person_title Helen Clark: Member of the Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability => Co - Chair of the
2022-04-18 update person_title Irina Bokova: Member of the Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability => Co - Chair
2022-04-18 update person_title James Waddell: Intern => Junior Communications Officer
2022-04-18 update person_title Mathieu Denis: Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Science Director => Science Director; Member of the Leadership Team; Acting CEO and Science Director; Acting Chief Executive Officer, ISC / Member of the Subcommittee for Finance and Operations
2022-04-18 update person_title Patila Amosa: Member of the ISC Small Island Developing States ( SIDS ) Liaison Committee; Member of Committee => Member of Committee
2021-12-15 delete ceo Mark Ferguson
2021-12-15 delete chairman Pearl Dykstra
2021-12-15 delete founder Joy Owango
2021-12-15 delete otherexecutives Marcos Regis da Silva
2021-12-15 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-12-15 delete person Abrizah Abdullah
2021-12-15 delete person Ahmed Bawa
2021-12-15 delete person Albert van Jaarsveld
2021-12-15 delete person Amy Brand
2021-12-15 delete person Andrew Thompson
2021-12-15 delete person Bruce Currie-Alder
2021-12-15 delete person Chad Gaffield
2021-12-15 delete person Daniel L. Goroff
2021-12-15 delete person Debra Roberts
2021-12-15 delete person Diana Mangalagiu
2021-12-15 delete person Dominique Babini
2021-12-15 delete person Dr Dorsamy (Gansen) Pillay
2021-12-15 delete person Ingrid Petersson
2021-12-15 delete person Jean-Eric Paquet
2021-12-15 delete person Jenny Baeseman
2021-12-15 delete person Joy Owango
2021-12-15 delete person Julia Marton-Lefèvre
2021-12-15 delete person Julie Shouldice
2021-12-15 delete person Luke Drury
2021-12-15 delete person Maggie Gorman Vélez
2021-12-15 delete person Marcos Regis da Silva
2021-12-15 delete person Marcus Wilms
2021-12-15 delete person Maria Ivanova
2021-12-15 delete person Maria Uhle
2021-12-15 delete person Mark Ferguson
2021-12-15 delete person Michel Jarraud
2021-12-15 delete person Raina Klüppelberg
2021-12-15 delete person Roberto Lenton
2021-12-15 delete person Ruben G. Echeverria
2021-12-15 delete person Salvatore Aricò
2021-12-15 delete person Wendy Broadgate
2021-12-15 delete person Xiaolan Fu
2021-12-15 delete person Xiaolin Zhang
2021-12-15 delete person Yukihiro Imanari
2021-12-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-12-15 insert person Abdulsalam Al-Murshidi
2021-12-15 insert person Aditya Sadhanala
2021-12-15 insert person Alain Prochiantz
2021-12-15 insert person Amal Amin
2021-12-15 insert person Andrew Revkin
2021-12-15 insert person Arianna Becerril-García
2021-12-15 insert person Beatrice Weder di Mauro
2021-12-15 insert person Bernard Sabrier
2021-12-15 insert person Courtney Radsch
2021-12-15 insert person Daniel Williams
2021-12-15 insert person Elodie Chabrol
2021-12-15 insert person Emily Borzcik
2021-12-15 insert person Felix Bast
2021-12-15 insert person Genner Llanes-Ortiz
2021-12-15 insert person Helen Clark
2021-12-15 insert person Hiroshi Komiyama
2021-12-15 insert person Irina Bokova
2021-12-15 insert person Izabella Teixeira
2021-12-15 insert person James Cameron
2021-12-15 insert person Jennifer Metcalfe
2021-12-15 insert person Jeremy Farrar
2021-12-15 insert person Joeri Rogelj
2021-12-15 insert person Johan Rockström
2021-12-15 insert person Julie Wrigley
2021-12-15 insert person Kamila Navarro
2021-12-15 insert person Karina Sarmiento
2021-12-15 insert person Kebede Kassa Tsegaye
2021-12-15 insert person Macharia Kamau
2021-12-15 insert person Magdalena Skipper
2021-12-15 insert person Maria Leptin
2021-12-15 insert person Marta Entradas
2021-12-15 insert person Martin Rees
2021-12-15 insert person Muireann Irish
2021-12-15 insert person Naledi Pandor
2021-12-15 insert person Paul Richards
2021-12-15 insert person Phyu Phyu
2021-12-15 insert person Radwan Ziadeh
2021-12-15 insert person Robert Lepenies
2021-12-15 insert person Robin Perutz
2021-12-15 insert person Rupert Gatti
2021-12-15 insert person S. Karly Kehoe
2021-12-15 insert person Saja Al Zoubi
2021-12-15 insert person Seteney Shami
2021-12-15 insert person Sherilee Harper
2021-12-15 insert person Shymaa Enany
2021-12-15 insert person Stanley Maphosa
2021-12-15 insert person Subbiah Arunachalam
2021-12-15 insert person Susi Moser
2021-12-15 insert person Tawana Kupe
2021-12-15 insert person Thomas Hughes-Hallett
2021-12-15 insert person Yuan T. Lee
2021-12-15 insert person Yvette d'Entremont
2021-12-15 update person_description Geoffrey Boulton => Geoffrey Boulton
2021-12-15 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Heide Hackmann
2021-12-15 update person_description Sir Peter Gluckman => Sir Peter Gluckman
2021-12-15 update person_title Alik Ismail-Zadeh: Secretary; Germany / ISC Secretary ( Chair ); Member of the ISC Governing Board Officers Team => Secretary; Secretary of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021
2021-12-15 update person_title Anna Davies: Professor of Geography; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title Elisa Reis: Vice - President; Member of the ISC Governing Board Officers Team; Professor of Political Sociology at the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro => Vice - President of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Vice - President
2021-12-15 update person_title Geoffrey Boulton: Vice - Chair / United Kingdom; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Vice - Chair / United Kingdom; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title Heide Hackmann: ISC Chief Executive Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Chief Executive Officer => ISC Chief Executive Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Ex - Officio; Chief Executive Officer
2021-12-15 update person_title James C. Liao: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title LI Jinghai: Vice - President; Member of the ISC Governing Board Officers Team => Vice President of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Vice - President
2021-12-15 update person_title Martin Visbeck: Member of the ISC Governing Board and Chair of the Committee for Outreach => Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title Melody Burkins: Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Member of the ISC Governing Board and Vice - Chair of the Committee for Outreach; Vice - Chair => Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2021 - 2024 / past Ordinary Member of the Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member; Vice - Chair
2021-12-15 update person_title Pearl Dykstra: Chairman; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title Ruth Fincher: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Ordinary Member of the ISC Governing Board 2018 - 2021; Ordinary Member
2021-12-15 update person_title Sarah Talon Sampieri: Project Consultant; Consultant COVID - 19 Scenarios => Project Consultant
2021-12-15 update person_title Sawako Shirahase: Professor of Sociology => Vice - President for Finance; Member of the ISC 's Committee
2021-12-15 update person_title Sirimali Fernando: Member of the ISC Governing Board and Vice - Chair of the Committee for Finance; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Ordinary Member
2021-09-24 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-24 update person_title Robin Grimes: Professor of Materials Physics at Imperial College => null
2021-08-24 delete otherexecutives Maureen Brennan
2021-08-24 delete otherexecutives Soumya Swaminathan
2021-08-24 delete person Amina J. Mohammed
2021-08-24 delete person Aminata Sall Diallo
2021-08-24 delete person Anjana Singh
2021-08-24 delete person David Spiegelhalter
2021-08-24 delete person Diane Matar
2021-08-24 delete person Dr Aldo Stroebel
2021-08-24 delete person Drew Leyburne
2021-08-24 delete person Elizabeth Jelin
2021-08-24 delete person Eric Goosby
2021-08-24 delete person Jo Chataway
2021-08-24 delete person Kedest Tesfagiorgis
2021-08-24 delete person Kostas Glinos
2021-08-24 delete person Kristin Danielsen
2021-08-24 delete person Lee Chor Pharn
2021-08-24 delete person Lucia Reisch
2021-08-24 delete person Luiz Eugênio Mello
2021-08-24 delete person Mami Mizutori
2021-08-24 delete person Marc Schiltz
2021-08-24 delete person Maureen Brennan
2021-08-24 delete person Oktawia Wójcik
2021-08-24 delete person Peter Piot
2021-08-24 delete person Robert Kiley
2021-08-24 delete person Soumya Swaminathan
2021-08-24 delete person Thomas Kariuki
2021-08-24 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-08-24 update person_description Nick Ishmael-Perkins => Nick Ishmael-Perkins
2021-08-24 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; CFRS Executive Secretary & Senior Science Office => CFRS Executive Secretary & Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team
2021-07-22 delete otherexecutives Natalia Tarasova
2021-07-22 delete person George Gao
2021-07-22 delete person Salim Abdool Karim
2021-07-22 insert person Bahram Rawshangar
2021-07-22 insert person Dr. Patila Amosa
2021-07-22 update person_description Natalia Tarasova => Natalia Tarasova
2021-07-22 update person_title Natalia Tarasova: Professor; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Director => International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; ISC Governing Board Member
2021-06-21 insert website_emails
2021-06-21 delete person Sir David Skegg
2021-06-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2021-06-21 insert email
2021-06-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-06-21 insert person Sarah Talon Sampieri
2021-06-21 update person_description Maria Uhle => Maria Uhle
2021-05-21 insert otherexecutives Natalia Tarasova
2021-05-21 insert personal_emails
2021-05-21 delete person Alice Rangel de Paiva Abreu
2021-05-21 delete person Dr. Janette Hughes
2021-05-21 delete person Dr. Maggie Hartnett
2021-05-21 delete person Prof. Dr. Eyüp Artvinli
2021-05-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-21 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-21 insert email
2021-05-21 insert email
2021-05-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-21 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-05-21 insert person Abrizah Abdullah
2021-05-21 insert person Chad Gaffield
2021-05-21 insert person Daniel L. Goroff
2021-05-21 insert person Edgar Pieterse
2021-05-21 insert person Graham Twaddle
2021-05-21 insert person Ian Goldin
2021-05-21 insert person Ingrid Petersson
2021-05-21 insert person James Waddell
2021-05-21 insert person Jenny Baeseman
2021-05-21 insert person Jian Liu
2021-05-21 insert person Raina Klüppelberg
2021-05-21 insert person Susanne C. Moser
2021-05-21 update person_description Frances Vaughan => Frances Vaughan
2021-05-21 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Heide Hackmann
2021-05-21 update person_description James C. Liao => James C. Liao
2021-05-21 update person_description Jo Chataway => Jo Chataway
2021-05-21 update person_description Maria Uhle => Maria Uhle
2021-05-21 update person_description Natalia Tarasova => Natalia Tarasova
2021-05-21 update person_description Ruth Fincher => Ruth Fincher
2021-05-21 update person_title Frances Vaughan: Special Advisor ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand ); CFRS Special Advisor => CFRS Special Advisor
2021-05-21 update person_title James C. Liao: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Professor Liao Received His B.S. Degree from National Taiwan University and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison
2021-05-21 update person_title Natalia Tarasova: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Professor; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Director
2021-05-21 update person_title Ruth Fincher: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary => Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Melbourne
2021-05-21 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team => CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; CFRS Executive Secretary & Senior Science Office
2021-04-06 delete otherexecutives Bongani Mahlalela
2021-04-06 delete otherexecutives Daniel Nyanganyura
2021-04-06 delete otherexecutives Lizzie Sayer
2021-04-06 delete otherexecutives Mazlan Othman
2021-04-06 delete otherexecutives Natalia Tarasova
2021-04-06 delete personal_emails
2021-04-06 delete personal_emails
2021-04-06 delete personal_emails
2021-04-06 delete personal_emails
2021-04-06 delete personal_emails
2021-04-06 insert ceo Mark Ferguson
2021-04-06 insert founder Joy Owango
2021-04-06 insert otherexecutives Marcos Regis da Silva
2021-04-06 insert otherexecutives Soumya Swaminathan
2021-04-06 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-06 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-06 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-06 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-06 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete email
2021-04-06 delete person Ahmad Sufyan Mohamed Aslam
2021-04-06 delete person Alayna Kasuri
2021-04-06 delete person Amanda Sun
2021-04-06 delete person Arjun Thanaraju
2021-04-06 delete person Asuncion Lera St. Clair
2021-04-06 delete person Binyam Sisay Mendisu
2021-04-06 delete person Bongani Mahlalela
2021-04-06 delete person Dania Bacardí
2021-04-06 delete person Daniel Nyanganyura
2021-04-06 delete person Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
2021-04-06 delete person Eve El-Chehaly
2021-04-06 delete person Farah Ismail
2021-04-06 delete person Farhana Farizah
2021-04-06 delete person Lerato Mmatloa
2021-04-06 delete person Mazlan Othman
2021-04-06 delete person Prof. Koji Ohnishi
2021-04-06 delete person Prof. Neil Selwyn
2021-04-06 delete person Richard Glover
2021-04-06 delete person Roger Ridley
2021-04-06 delete person Sibusisiwe Matiya
2021-04-06 delete person Stanley E. Rozentsvit
2021-04-06 delete person Stephen Downes
2021-04-06 delete person Zulkifli Sulaiman
2021-04-06 insert person Ahmed Bawa
2021-04-06 insert person Albert van Jaarsveld
2021-04-06 insert person Amina J. Mohammed
2021-04-06 insert person Aminata Sall Diallo
2021-04-06 insert person Amy Brand
2021-04-06 insert person Andrew Thompson
2021-04-06 insert person Anjana Singh
2021-04-06 insert person Bruce Currie-Alder
2021-04-06 insert person Christiane Woopen
2021-04-06 insert person David Kaplan
2021-04-06 insert person David Spiegelhalter
2021-04-06 insert person Debra Roberts
2021-04-06 insert person Diana Mangalagiu
2021-04-06 insert person Diane Matar
2021-04-06 insert person Dominique Babini
2021-04-06 insert person Dr Aldo Stroebel
2021-04-06 insert person Dr Dorsamy (Gansen) Pillay
2021-04-06 insert person Drew Leyburne
2021-04-06 insert person Elizabeth Jelin
2021-04-06 insert person Eric Goosby
2021-04-06 insert person Frances Vaughan
2021-04-06 insert person George Gao
2021-04-06 insert person Jean Ometto
2021-04-06 insert person Jean-Eric Paquet
2021-04-06 insert person Jo Chataway
2021-04-06 insert person Joy Owango
2021-04-06 insert person Julia Marton-Lefèvre
2021-04-06 insert person Julie Shouldice
2021-04-06 insert person Kedest Tesfagiorgis
2021-04-06 insert person Kostas Glinos
2021-04-06 insert person Kristin Danielsen
2021-04-06 insert person Lee Chor Pharn
2021-04-06 insert person Lucia Reisch
2021-04-06 insert person Luiz Eugênio Mello
2021-04-06 insert person Luke Drury
2021-04-06 insert person Maggie Gorman Vélez
2021-04-06 insert person Mami Mizutori
2021-04-06 insert person Marc Schiltz
2021-04-06 insert person Marcos Regis da Silva
2021-04-06 insert person Marcus Wilms
2021-04-06 insert person Maria Ivanova
2021-04-06 insert person Maria Uhle
2021-04-06 insert person Mark Ferguson
2021-04-06 insert person Mercedes Bustamante
2021-04-06 insert person Michel Jarraud
2021-04-06 insert person Narinder Mehra
2021-04-06 insert person Nick Ishmael-Perkins
2021-04-06 insert person Oktawia Wójcik
2021-04-06 insert person Peter Piot
2021-04-06 insert person Robert Kiley
2021-04-06 insert person Roberto Lenton
2021-04-06 insert person Ruben G. Echeverria
2021-04-06 insert person Salim Abdool Karim
2021-04-06 insert person Salvatore Aricò
2021-04-06 insert person Shuaib Lwasa
2021-04-06 insert person Sir David Skegg
2021-04-06 insert person Soumya Swaminathan
2021-04-06 insert person Thomas Kariuki
2021-04-06 insert person Umut Korkut
2021-04-06 insert person Wendy Broadgate
2021-04-06 insert person Xiaolan Fu
2021-04-06 insert person Xiaolin Zhang
2021-04-06 insert person Yukihiro Imanari
2021-04-06 update person_description Anne-Sophie Stevance => Anne-Sophie Stevance
2021-04-06 update person_description Natalia Tarasova => Natalia Tarasova
2021-04-06 update person_description Ruth Fincher => Ruth Fincher
2021-04-06 update person_title James C. Liao: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Professor Liao Received His B.S. Degree from National Taiwan University and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison => Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary
2021-04-06 update person_title Lizzie Sayer: Communications Officer; Senior Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team => Senior Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team
2021-04-06 update person_title Natalia Tarasova: Professor; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Director => International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary
2021-04-06 update person_title Ruth Fincher: Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Melbourne => Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary
2021-04-06 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Executive Secretary of the ISC Committee; Senior Science Officer => CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team
2021-04-06 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Junior Digital Communications Officer => Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team
2021-01-27 delete chairman Martin Visbeck
2021-01-27 delete personal_emails
2021-01-27 insert otherexecutives Zhenya Tsoy
2021-01-27 delete address 7 Rue René Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg, France
2021-01-27 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 delete email
2021-01-27 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 delete person Cristin Dorgelo
2021-01-27 delete person Esther Erin
2021-01-27 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-27 insert email
2021-01-27 insert person Arjun Thanaraju
2021-01-27 update person_description Anne-Sophie Stevance => Anne-Sophie Stevance
2021-01-27 update person_description Asuncion Lera St. Clair => Asuncion Lera St. Clair
2021-01-27 update person_description Bonnie C. Carroll => Bonnie Carroll
2021-01-27 update person_description Carlos de Brito Cruz => Carlos de Brito Cruz
2021-01-27 update person_description Catherine Middleton => Catherine Middleton
2021-01-27 update person_description Clifford Nii Boi Tagoe => Clifford Nii Boi Tagoe
2021-01-27 update person_description Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer => Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
2021-01-27 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Heide Hackmann
2021-01-27 update person_description James C. Liao => James C. Liao
2021-01-27 update person_description L.S. Shashidhara => L.S. Shashidhara
2021-01-27 update person_description Martin Visbeck => Martin Visbeck
2021-01-27 update person_description Michael Matlosz => Michael Matlosz
2021-01-27 update person_description Michelle Mycoo => Michelle Mycoo
2021-01-27 update person_description Pekka Aula => Pekka Aula
2021-01-27 update person_description Sameh Soror => Sameh Soror
2021-01-27 update person_description Sirimali Fernando => Sirimali Fernando
2021-01-27 update person_description Terrence Forrester => Terrence Forrester
2021-01-27 update person_description Vidushi Neergheen => Vidushi Neergheen
2021-01-27 update person_description Xavier Estico => Xavier Estico
2021-01-27 update person_title Anne Thieme: Membership Liaison Officer => Membership Liaison Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Membership Liaison Officer / Finance and Administration
2021-01-27 update person_title Asuncion Lera St. Clair: Senior Principal Scientist at DNV GL Group Technology => Senior Advisor for the Barcelona SuperComputing Centre and Member of the European Commission Mission Board for Climate Change Adaptation and Societal Transformation
2021-01-27 update person_title Bonnie Carroll: Founder of Information International Associates, Inc; Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement => Member of Committee for Outreach; Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement
2021-01-27 update person_title Catherine Middleton: Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement; Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management => Member of Committee for Outreach; Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement
2021-01-27 update person_title Dania Bacardí: Senior Specialist in Experimental Toxicology; Member of the Small Island Developing States => Member of the Small Island Developing States
2021-01-27 update person_title Lizzie Sayer: Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team => Communications Officer; Senior Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team
2021-01-27 update person_title Martin Visbeck: Head of the Physical Oceanography Research Unit at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research; Chairman; Member of the ISC Governing Board and Chair of the Committee for Outreach => Member of the ISC Governing Board and Chair of the Committee for Outreach
2021-01-27 update person_title Megha Sud: Science Officer; Science Officer / Communications; Member of the CEO and Directors Team => Science Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Science Officer / Communications and Outreach
2021-01-27 update person_title Melody Burkins: Associate Director; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Member of the ISC Governing Board and Vice - Chair of the Committee for Outreach; Vice - Chair => Chairman of Committee for Outreach; Member of the ISC Governing Board Ordinary; Member of the ISC Governing Board and Vice - Chair of the Committee for Outreach; Vice - Chair
2021-01-27 update person_title Michael Matlosz: Professor; Member of the Committee for Finance => Member of the Committee for Finance
2021-01-27 update person_title Michelle Mycoo: Member of the Small Island Developing States ( SIDS ) Liaison Committee; Professor of Urban => Member of the Small Island Developing States ( SIDS ) Liaison Committee
2021-01-27 update person_title Pekka Aula: Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement; Secretary General => Member of Committee for Outreach; Member of the Committee for Outreach and Engagement
2021-01-27 update person_title Roger Ridley: Executive Secretary ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand ); CFRS Executive Secretary => CFRS Executive Secretary; Special Advisor ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand )
2021-01-27 update person_title Sameh Soror: Member of the Committee for Outreach; Professor and Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy Helwan University => Member of the Committee for Outreach
2021-01-27 update person_title Terrence Forrester: Member of the Small Island Developing States Liaison; Chief Scientist for UWI SODECO => Member of the Small Island Developing States Liaison
2021-01-27 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Junior Digital Communications Officer / Finance and Administration; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Junior Digital Communications Officer => Communications Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Junior Digital Communications Officer
2020-09-28 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-28 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-28 delete source_ip
2020-09-28 insert address 7 Rue René Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg, France
2020-09-28 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-28 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-28 insert person Caroline Sharples
2020-09-28 insert person Dr. Janette Hughes
2020-09-28 insert person Dr. Maggie Hartnett
2020-09-28 insert person Prof. Dr. Eyüp Artvinli
2020-09-28 insert person Prof. Koji Ohnishi
2020-09-28 insert person Prof. Neil Selwyn
2020-09-28 insert source_ip
2020-09-28 update person_description Anna Davies => Anna Davies
2020-09-28 update person_description Anne-Sophie Stevance => Anne-Sophie Stevance
2020-09-28 update person_description Daya Reddy => Daya Reddy
2020-09-28 update person_description Elisa Reis => Elisa Reis
2020-09-28 update person_description Dr. Heide Hackmann => Heide Hackmann
2020-09-28 update person_description LI Jinghai => LI Jinghai
2020-09-28 update person_description Natalia Tarasova => Natalia Tarasova
2020-09-28 update person_description Pearl Dykstra => Pearl Dykstra
2020-09-28 update person_description Ruth Fincher => Ruth Fincher
2020-09-28 update person_description Saths Cooper => Saths Cooper
2020-09-28 update person_description Sir Peter Gluckman => Sir Peter Gluckman
2020-09-28 update person_title Heide Hackmann: Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Chief Executive Officer of the International Science; Chief Executive Officer => ISC Chief Executive Officer; Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Chief Executive Officer
2020-07-22 delete personal_emails
2020-07-22 delete personal_emails
2020-07-22 delete personal_emails
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete email
2020-07-22 delete person Ruba Al Zubi
2020-07-22 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-22 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-22 insert person Alayna Kasuri
2020-07-22 insert person Amanda Sun
2020-07-22 insert person Dania Bacardí
2020-07-22 insert person Michelle Mycoo
2020-07-22 insert person Morgan Wairiu
2020-07-22 insert person Stanley E. Rozentsvit
2020-07-22 insert person Teatulohi (Lohi) Matainaho
2020-07-22 insert person Terrence Forrester
2020-07-22 insert person Vidushi Neergheen
2020-07-22 insert person Xavier Estico
2020-07-22 update person_title Katsia Paulavets: Science Officer; Senior Science Officer => Senior Science Officer
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete personal_emails
2020-06-21 insert personal_emails
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete email
2020-06-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 03 29
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 04 49
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 05 49
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 06 77
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 07 09
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 08 54
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 53 21
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 53 23
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 57 76
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 67 04
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 67 17
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 67 63
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 91 04
2020-06-21 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 95 24
2020-06-21 insert email
2020-06-21 insert person Vinton G. Cerf
2020-06-21 insert person Zulkifli Sulaiman
2020-06-21 update person_description Charles Erkelens => Charles Erkelens
2020-06-21 update person_description Esther Erin Wong Yan => Esther Erin
2020-06-21 update person_description Nurul Farhana Mohd Farizah => Farhana Farizah
2020-06-21 update person_description Katsia Paulavets => Katsia Paulavets
2020-06-21 update person_description Lizzie Sayer => Lizzie Sayer
2020-06-21 update person_description Mary Robinson => Mary Robinson
2020-06-21 update person_description Mathieu Denis => Mathieu Denis
2020-06-21 update person_description Maureen Brennan => Maureen Brennan
2020-06-21 update person_description Mayette Geronimo => Mayette Geronimo
2020-06-21 update person_description Megha Sud => Megha Sud
2020-06-21 update person_description Miia Ylöstalo-Joubert => Miia Ylöstalo-Joubert
2020-06-21 update person_description Natacha de Marchi => Natacha de Marchi
2020-06-21 update person_description Roger Ridley => Roger Ridley
2020-06-21 update person_description Sarah Moore => Sarah Moore
2020-06-21 update person_description Vivi Stavrou => Vivi Stavrou
2020-06-21 update person_description Yun-Kang Ahn => Yun-Kang Ahn
2020-06-21 update person_description Zhenya Tsoy => Zhenya Tsoy
2020-06-21 update person_title Alison Meston: Senior Communications Officer; Communications Director => Member of the CEO and Directors Team; Communications Director / Science; Communications Director
2020-06-21 update person_title Farah Ismail: Science Officer; Regional Programme Officer for INGSA Asia => Science Officer
2020-06-21 update person_title Katsia Paulavets: Science Officer => Science Officer; Senior Science Officer
2020-06-21 update person_title Megha Sud: ISC As Science Officer; Science Officer => Science Officer; Science Officer / Communications
2020-06-21 update person_title Roger Ridley: Executive Secretary ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand ); Member of Committee => Executive Secretary ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand ); CFRS Executive Secretary
2020-06-21 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: Clinical Psychologist; Development Worker; Executive Secretary of the ISC Committee; Senior Science Officer => CFRS Executive Secretary / Senior Science Officer; Executive Secretary of the ISC Committee; Senior Science Officer
2020-06-21 update person_title Zhenya Tsoy: Junior Digital Communications Officer => Junior Digital Communications Officer / Finance and Administration; Junior Digital Communications Officer
2020-05-22 delete personal_emails
2020-05-22 insert cco Alison Meston
2020-05-22 insert personal_emails
2020-05-22 insert personal_emails
2020-05-22 delete address Glenelg St, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia
2020-05-22 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete email
2020-05-22 delete person Hannah Norazharuddin
2020-05-22 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert email
2020-05-22 insert person Asuncion Lera St. Clair
2020-05-22 insert person Binyam Sisay Mendisu
2020-05-22 insert person Eve El-Chehaly
2020-05-22 update person_description Peter Strohschneider => Peter Strohschneider
2020-05-22 update person_title Alison Meston: Senior Communications Officer => Senior Communications Officer; Communications Director
2020-05-22 update person_title Peter Strohschneider: null => Professor Emeritus for German Medieval Studies at Ludwig - Maximilians - University
2020-05-22 update person_title Vivi Stavrou: Clinical Psychologist; Development Worker; Senior Science Officer => Clinical Psychologist; Development Worker; Executive Secretary of the ISC Committee; Senior Science Officer
2020-04-21 delete otherexecutives Karla Rodríguez
2020-04-21 delete otherexecutives Manuel Limonta
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 insert personal_emails
2020-04-21 delete person Hafizullah Mirhassan
2020-04-21 delete person Hanna McCallum
2020-04-21 delete person Karla Rodríguez
2020-04-21 delete person Norizan Ab Rahman
2020-04-21 delete person Oscar Reyes
2020-04-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert address Glenelg St, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia
2020-04-21 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert email
2020-04-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-21 insert person Esther Erin Wong Yan
2020-04-21 insert person Sibusisiwe Matiya
2020-04-21 update person_description Farhana Farizah => Nurul Farhana Mohd Farizah
2020-04-21 update person_title Anda Popovici: Junior Administrative Officer => Junior Science Officer
2020-04-21 update person_title Anne-Sophie Stevance: Science Officer => Senior Science Officer
2020-04-21 update person_title Farah Ismail: Officer for INGSA Asia; INGSA Asia Chapter Regional Programme Officer => Science Officer; Regional Programme Officer for INGSA Asia
2020-04-21 update person_title Hannah Norazharuddin: Administrative Executive => Administrative Executive ( until 14 April 2020 )
2020-04-21 update person_title Manuel Limonta: Director => null
2020-04-21 update person_title Richard Glover: Programme Specialist ( Biological Sciences ) => Programme Specialist
2020-03-22 delete personal_emails
2020-03-22 insert personal_emails
2020-03-22 delete email
2020-03-22 delete email
2020-03-22 delete person Lucilla Spini
2020-03-22 delete phone +33 (0)1 45 25 09 88
2020-03-22 delete phone +33 1 45 25 32 56
2020-03-22 insert email
2020-03-22 insert person Anne Thieme
2020-03-22 insert person Michael Matlosz
2020-03-22 insert phone +33 1 45 25 06 01
2020-02-20 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2019-12-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-12-18 delete source_ip
2019-12-18 insert address General Assembly 2021, Muscat, Oman
2019-12-18 insert source_ip
2019-11-18 delete address General Assembly 2021, Muscat, Oman
2019-10-18 insert address General Assembly 2021, Muscat, Oman
2019-10-18 update person_title Roger Ridley: Executive Secretary ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society of New Zealand ); Member of Committee => Member of Committee; Executive Secretary ( on Secondment by and Based at the Royal Society Te Apārangi )
2019-09-18 delete otherexecutives Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan
2019-09-18 delete person Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan
2019-09-18 insert person Farah Ismail
2019-09-18 insert person Farhana Farizah
2019-09-18 insert person Hafizullah Mirhassan
2019-09-18 insert person Hannah Norazharuddin
2019-09-18 insert person Sufyan Aslam
2019-09-18 update person_description Mazlan Othman => Mazlan Othman
2019-08-18 delete personal_emails
2019-08-18 insert ceo Dr. Heide Hackmann
2019-08-18 insert coo Charles Erkelens
2019-08-18 delete email
2019-08-18 insert email
2019-08-18 insert person Charles Erkelens
2019-08-18 update person_description Heide Hackmann => Dr. Heide Hackmann
2019-08-18 update person_title Dr. Heide Hackmann: Member of Committee; Executive Director, ISC; ISC Executive Director => Member of Committee; Executive Director, ISC; Chief Executive Officer of the International Science; Chief Executive Officer; ISC Executive Director
2019-06-18 insert email
2019-05-13 delete person Cheryl de la Rey
2019-05-13 delete person Roseanne Diab
2019-05-13 delete phone +27 (0) 12 349 7731
2019-05-13 insert person Ms Nomasomi Gasa
2019-05-13 insert person Ms Sibusisiwe Matiya
2019-05-13 insert phone +27 (0) 12 349 6660/59
2019-05-13 update person_title Daya Reddy: South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics at the University of Cape Town; President => South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics at the University of Cape Town; President; ICSU Executive Board Liaison )
2019-03-12 update person_description Sirimali Fernando => Sirimali Fernando