DIGITALSKY - Key Persons

Ann Milroy

Job Titles:
  • Creative Manager
Ann is the creative manager here, meaning she not only possesses the talents of a skillful creator and storyteller, but she also has to deal with managing the rest of us. She\u2019s a master photographer, motion designer and editor, and she still finds time to keep our Trello board up to date.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>","protected":false},"featured_media":21143,"template":"","teamcategory":[15],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\n

Jackson Cassidy

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Before coming to DigitalSky, Jackson was selling video production equipment. Now, ironically, he's managing the sales of our video productions. If you need a clip cooked up, Jackson is your waiter. And he's excited to take your order.

Karl Nickoley

Job Titles:
  • Executive Producer

Rob Christoffersen

Job Titles:
  • Film & TV Production Manager