Updated 16 days ago
School Lane Cookham Berkshire SL6 9QJ
Holy Trinity is a thriving village school with a supportive community where everyone is made to feel valued. Pupils, parents, staff and governors work closely to provide a warm, caring and challenging environment of which everyone is proud and we all share in the school's success. We aim to give the pupils every opportunity to learn through creative experiences, always striving for high standards in achievement and behaviour. We have close links with Holy Trinity Church and relish opportunities to contribute positively to the local community and the world beyond. We are proud to provide our children with a happy and safe environment where they can flourish and develop enduring values and ambitious life aspirations...
Holy Trinity is a school where a fusion of spiritualty, Christian values, innovation, technology and research produce the highest quality of education. Here our goal is to inspire all to be the best we can, a statement underpinned by our vision.