Adena Chernosky

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager

Adi Jez

Hi my name is Adi Jez, I have travelled through dozens of countries and lived in six from Europe to America. I grew up in Italy and it is surely my favorite destination to date. I love good cuisine, photography, nature, and I love to meet people from different cultures. I look forward to enjoying the mountains and seeing Old Faithful for the first time.

Debbie Minnick

In 1995, I first received a glimpse of Jackson Hole in a postcard with The Chapel of the Transfiguration. I knew something with Jackson Hole then. I explored the west in 1999, traveling 500 miles a day for two weeks and drove through Jackson Hole. In 2001, I began a deeper relationship with Jackson Hole for 3 summer seasons and 2 winter seasons. Jackson Hole is a part of me and who I am, I return now, 20 years later, for a season to this land that I love and people familiar and new. Have you visited a six-part documentary "The National Parks: America's Best Idea"? I love nature protected and what it may do for us. I love the idea of helping you if you are feeling drawn this way.

Ed Krajsky

Job Titles:
  • General Manager

Elden Doloroso

Job Titles:
  • Group Rooms Coordinator
Growing up in Southern California allowed me the opportunity to spend much of my time outdoors. And as a youngster, I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the Boy Scouts of America taking monthly camping excursions. When not on trips with family or with the troop, I was always outside on my skateboard, BMX bicycle, climbing, surfing, or playing volleyball at the beach. You could say that it was hard to keep me indoors at all. After serving in the United States Navy as a mechanical engineer stationed in Little Creek, VA, and deployed in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas for much of that time, I returned to Los Angeles to study Economics at California State University in Long Beach. I worked in several fields from operations management at a major retailer, commercial banking, investment banking, and then merchandising project management in the packaging industry, I pursued self-employment as a wellness advisor. My studies as an advisor of health and wellness brought me to the conclusion that living as close to nature as possible is the best way for human beings to live. So my wife and I sold most our possessions, to find work in our National Parks. We spent our first summer in Glacier National Park serving as volunteers in Bear Management. Since the majority of the park is closed during the winter months, we had to find employment elsewhere until much of the wildlife comes out of hibernation again in the spring. We serendipitously found our way to Jackson Hole and have been more than excited to discover this wonderful area. I spend most of my days off hiking in the Tetons, snowboarding at the resort, shooting my recurve bow at the local outfitters, letting go of the day at the yoga studio, then ending the day either cooking from scratch at home or enjoying one of the many great eateries that the town has to offer.

John Sherwood

Job Titles:
  • Maintenance Supervisor

Max Waycott

I was born and raised in Jackson Hole, I have recently moved to Colorado to peruse hotel management at Colorado State University. I am a ski bum at heart and love the outdoors. I plan on moving back to Jackson Hole after school to run the family hotel.