IS IT GONNA HURT - Key Persons

Danielle D. Crull

Danielle D. Crull is an American Board of Opticianry (ABO) Master Certified Optician who specializes in fitting children's glasses. She has been an optician since 1988 and has owned her own optical dispensary, A Child's Eyes, since 2001. She is the writer of "Apple Patty Patches" and "Banana Bobby Gets Bifocals". She is married and has three children, all of whom work in her business. Jax Good, Danielle's daughter, illustrated "Banana Bobby Gets Bifocals", her first book. She is an ABO Certified Optician and works at A Child's Eyes with her family. In her spare time she ministers to youth and plays in a percussion band, "This Way Up", with her brothers.

Max Crull

Max Crull, Danielle's oldest son, digitally produced "Banana Bobby Gets Bifocals", his first book. He is also an ABO Certified Optician working at A Child's Eyes. He plays in "This Way Up" with his sister and brother. Max also manages all the IT concerns, the many websites and computers in the business and makes all the eyewear.