K.P. TRAINING COLLEGE - History of Changes

2024-12-12 delete about_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-12-12 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-12-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-12-12 delete management_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-12-12 insert address Glimpses of Kulbhashkar Jayanti 2023 Celebration of Fit India
2024-09-09 delete address Glimpses of Kulbhashkar Jayanti 2023 Celebration of Fit India
2024-09-09 insert about_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-09-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-09-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-09-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain adobe.com
2024-06-04 delete chairman Ch. Jitendra Nath Singh
2024-06-04 delete otherexecutives G.B. Pant
2024-06-04 delete treasurer Shri Kaushal Kishore Srivastava
2024-06-04 insert chairman Dr. Sushil Kumar Sinha
2024-06-04 insert treasurer Sri Kripa Shankar Srivastava
2024-06-04 delete email sh..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 delete email yb..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 delete person Ch. Jitendra Nath Singh
2024-06-04 delete person Dr. Sharad Srivastava
2024-06-04 delete person G.B. Pant
2024-06-04 delete person Prof. Jagdamba Singh
2024-06-04 delete person Shri Kaushal Kishore Srivastava
2024-06-04 delete person Shri Sunil Dutt Kautilya
2024-06-04 delete phone 9415029542
2024-06-04 insert about_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2024-06-04 insert about_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-06-04 insert about_pages_linkeddomain t.me
2024-06-04 insert address Glimpses of Kulbhashkar Jayanti 2023 Celebration of Fit India
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain doaj.org
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain epustakalay.com
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain gutenberg.org
2024-06-04 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain t.me
2024-06-04 insert email an..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 insert email dr..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 insert email ma..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 insert email mr..@gmail.com
2024-06-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2024-06-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-06-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain octopod.co.in
2024-06-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain t.me
2024-06-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain forms.gle
2024-06-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-06-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain t.me
2024-06-04 insert person Dr. Manju Chaudhary
2024-06-04 insert person Dr. Sushil Kumar Sinha
2024-06-04 insert person Prof. Abhay Pandey
2024-06-04 insert person Prof. Dinesh Mani
2024-06-04 insert person Sri Kripa Shankar Srivastava
2024-06-04 insert phone 8416815305
2024-06-04 update person_title Dr. Namita Sahoo: null => Member Teacher Representative
2024-06-04 update person_title Dr. Priyanka Singh: Member Teacher Representative => Public Information Officer; Associate Prof; Secretary ( Co - Ordinator of Student Welfare )
2024-06-04 update person_title Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey: null => Member Teacher Representative
2024-06-04 update person_title Prof. Anjana Srivastava: Secretary; Principal => Principal / Chairperson; Secretary; Principal
2024-06-04 update person_title Sri Vinay Khare: V.C. Panel Nominee Eminence in Academic / Public Figure / 9415239583 => V.C. Panel Nominee Eminence in Academic or Public Life / 9415239583
2023-07-12 delete source_ip
2023-07-12 insert source_ip
2022-04-18 update robots_txt_status kptc.ac.in: 404 => 200
2022-04-18 update robots_txt_status www.kptc.ac.in: 404 => 200
2021-05-20 insert index_pages_linkeddomain allduniv.ac.in
2021-01-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain antiragging.in
2020-10-14 update website_status DomainNotFound => OK
2020-10-14 delete alias Karpagam
2020-10-14 delete alias Karpagam Polytechnic College
2020-10-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain veradistech.com
2020-10-14 delete source_ip
2020-10-14 insert alias K. P. Training College
2020-10-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain antiragging.in
2020-10-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain vidyalakshmi.co.in
2020-10-14 insert industry_tag teachers training
2020-10-14 insert source_ip
2020-10-14 update founded_year 1998 => null
2020-10-14 update name Karpagam => K. P. Training College
2019-04-29 update website_status OK => DomainNotFound