LCHC is located on the island of Lāna`i, the smallest of the major Hawaiian Islands with a land area of 140 square miles. The island's history is one of transition as the island was purchased by different owners. Each transition throughout this island's history has forced a change in economic focus and lifestyle producing results that directly affected the island's residents (and still affects all today). These changes have created the community as we know it today: An eclectic mix of ethnicities and cultures. This broad mix of ethnicities makes Lāna`i unusual and different from other rural communities in the U.S. In addition, immigrants continue to relocate to Lāna`i because family members are able to sponsor their arrival - especially individuals from the Philippines - with 32% of our population foreign born and 10.3% of our households facing linguistic isolation. (Hawai`i Department of Health, "State of Hawai`i Primary Care Needs Assessment Data Book, 2012")... LCHC's target..