Updated 119 days ago
- Age: 29 years
- ID: 38725639/54
4220 NC Highway 55, Suite 340 Durham, NC 27713 USA
RoundBuzz is an innovator in location-based mobile marketing and a pioneer in location "Text Check-ins". With a long history in mobile marketing and its technologies, the RoundBuzz team brings deep experience working across the mobile ecosystem to develop and deploy next-generation mobile services and solutions. Our managed service uniquely combines location with text messaging, along with supporting features for a complete and easy-to-use solution, to create a whole new way of thinking about mobile marketing. The RoundBuzz solution is a cloud- based managed marketing platform that allows business owners to create, launch, and monitor powerful, location-enabled, interactive marketing campaigns easily and intuitively. With company headquarters in Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC, RoundBuzz is what's next in mobile marketing... RoundBuzz is a highly-designed managed marketing service that enables business owners to easily adopt and run their own branded location-aware mobile program...
Also known as: Paul Smokovitz, Rounduzz