Audrey Godwin

Job Titles:
  • Financial Adviser
  • Financial Strategist
Audrey Godwin is an award-winning financial strategist and champion for Women's Economic Development. She created the Positioned 4 Profit(TM) System for women leaders to align their finances with the vision, values and priorities for every season of their lives. This not only allows them to keep more what what they make, they can also leave a financial legacy to the people and causes they love. As a retired CPA, serving clients as a trusted advisor and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Audrey believes that financial mastery is not an all or nothing choice, but a series of clear decisions, executed well to get a desired outcome. Her clients recognize her ability to feel deeply yet make decisions with a clear head make her a valuable partner in helping them become financially savvy and lead their households and companies well. She founded The Audrey Company as the safe and sacred container to continue the work of practically marrying purpose, profit and healthy cash flow. Audrey's financial success tips have been featured on NBC, The Seattle Times, The News Tribune as well as radio stations around the United States. Her signature Start Here, Get Clear Strategy session is the starting point for women leaders who are ready to get the financial results they desire and deserve. Connect with her at