STONE - Key Persons

Anne Griffiths

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Club Secretary & Welfare Officer
I have been a running leader since 2014 and I work closely with the Thursday evening beginners group. Being a running leader means that I have been able to see many beginners join the Club (often slightly nervous and uncertain as to why they are there!) and progress into enthusiastic and competent runners. I joined SMM as a complete novice and the opportunity to run with dedicated, passionate runners inspired me to take on a running leader role so that I, too, could encourage others to join this wonderful little community.

Bernie Priekulis

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
Having already run several Marathons, I finally joined Stone Master Marathoners in 1995, having been under the misapprehension that you had to be 40 years of age to join. I ran at all distances in the NSRRA, but my real love was for Marathons and perhaps a little bit further too! Having had such good times with our club, I felt the need to put something back in, so held the post of Vice Captain for several years before being elected to the position of Club Captain from 2015 to 2018. The legs don't move quite as freely as in the past, but I managed to notch up my 100 th Marathon in Luxembourg last year, in the company of a large number of Bats. As a more experienced runner (older), I feel that I can still offer something to the running of our great club, especially in the organisation of events, be they one-offs or annual events.

Brian Hall

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Life President & Race Committee Co - Ordinator
Helping to promote our Race events in a professional, safe and profitable manner. Having reached the age where running competitively is no longer a serious option, I get tremendous satisfaction from putting back into the sport which we all love, whilst still enjoying the camaraderie and friendships which I have built up over the years since 1987 when I first joined the Club. Most of my interests are based on outdoor activities and there cannot be many better areas for running or walking than in the countryside around Stone, and our races are a showcase for this.

Chris Barlow

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee

Dawn Watkins - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Treasurer
I am probably the most ‘non-runner' runner in the club! Even though I do actually run these days, as proven by the occasional photographs, I remain continuously surprised at the end of every club run when I make it back to the club. I never ran at school nor did I ever want to until I got to my forties. In 2012, I attempted the couch to 5k week one which seemed to prove I couldn't and shouldn't run as I thought I would never recover. Bizarrely, I didn't learn from this attempt and kept trying it again until somehow, in 2016, I ended up in the car park of the tennis club for the Thursday night's SMM beginners club run. I have never looked back! The support and camaraderie within the club was and has continued to be incredible and I feel as much pride for what all of our members achieve as I do for the progress I have made myself. I have gone beyond that couch to 5k week one now, having attempted a few runs and races in all distances (including the odd ultra!) but I will never let those early memories go and use them now to encourage others. I am so pleased to have been able to take on a committee role and be in a position to give back to the club that has given me so much

Hall Of

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee

Kevin Uzzell

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee

Mark Neeld

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Vice Captain
It is a great honour for me to be asked and then voted in as Vice-Captain of our great club. Having been a member since about 2009, and not really being a particularly active member behind the scenes, I felt that, with more time on my hands, that the time was right to step up and give something back. I now find myself in an unenviably onerous position of trying to fill the rather large shoes, literally and figuratively, of Paul Glover who, as outgoing VC, has done a superlative job. Thank you, Paul, for your hard work. We all appreciate it. On a personal note, I didn't embark on my running career until about 17 years ago when, in my 40s, I found purely by chance that I rather enjoyed it following a cancer research charity run. I joined SMM and instantly found it heightened my running experience. There is nothing like running in the company of like minded and incidentally, lovely people. The club also offered great advice to me as a novice runner from a vast amount of experienced and talented members. Racing was the next step which I found to be addictive: the atmosphere, emotion and camaraderie. Fast forward 13 years and I now run and race all distances locally, nationally and on occasions internationally, with a little bit of success along the way. The running community is vast, and I feel blessed that I can be a part of it.

Michael Beasley

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Mental Health Ambassador
I am a relatively new comer to running completing my first marathon in 2015 and joining SMM in October 2017. I started running after friends of a similar age experienced physical health problems so out of a sense of recognition of my own poor physical health I started running. As a learning disability nurse working in an NHS mental health trust, I was more than aware not only of the physical benefits of running but also the positive impact running can have on an individual's mental health. I have completed the Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course with England Athletics and I am now qualified as a run leader. I have also completed a ‘Guide Runner' course again with England Athletics to allow me to guide visually impaired runners. I also enjoy helping others meet their running goals by pacing from 5K to marathon distance. Since joining SMM I have been entrusted with the role ‘Mental Health Ambassador' with the objective to work within our running club to support the mental well-being of all members. I aim to make links between our club, mental health services/groups and organisations to encourage their members to start running.

Mick Downes

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Race Committee Co - Ordinator
I'm currently working alongside Brian as race committee co-ordinator with a view to taking over from the master once my feet have grown big enough to fill his boots! I joined Stone Master Marathoners back in 2009 having broken the 2 hour mark for half marathon at my 3rd attempt with the aim of trying to improve having well and truly been bitten by the running bug. Since then I've represented the club over pretty much all distances and I think it's fair to say I have improved with the help and encouragement of my training buddies. My 2:03 first half marathon time is now 1:24 and my first full marathon of 5:03 is now 3:00:13 gaining me membership of that exclusive sub 3:01 club!

Nikki Towle

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Membership Secretary
I started running - well trotting really - at 50 - to exercise our very energetic young dog. I entered a Dougie Mac 10k race on a whim to help raise some money, and so did a few Parkruns in preparation for the race, getting used to running around other people. At an SMM Hanley Parkrun takeover I plucked up the courage to enquire about the club, and at Michelle Miles' suggestion joined the 9.30am Sunday morning club run the next day and I was hooked! So, a year on, thanks to the encouragement, guidance and friendship of so many in the club, I have run in many more races between 5k & 10 miles, on road, trail and cross-country - even a couple of half marathons earlier this year (which I never dreamed I could have done). The opportunities to run with the club, train with the club and compete as part of the club are so varied members of every ability can get a massive amount out of being a Bat! We now have getting on for 200 members. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding SMM membership, England Athletics registration, or if you change your contact details.

Paul Phillips

Job Titles:
  • Captain
  • Member of the Management Committee
I got into running quite late after being a keen footballer and cricketer for the local teams in Stone but finding time limited due to family commitments I decided to enter the Stafford Half Marathon back in 2012. (At the time running appeared to take up a lot less of my time than either of my previous sports - little did I know!!) After this first race I decided that running might be the hobby for me, so joined Stone Master Marathoners in 2012 ish. Within a few months I'd taken up the role as Vice Captain and was soon on the committee and as is normal with SMM encouraged to ‘help' out more with club runs and coaching leading to doing the LIRF course in 2015/6. This was quickly followed by doing the full coaching CIRF course and you will now find me ‘encouraging' on the club interval sessions on a Tuesday and when fit I will be found on plenty of club runs to offer support and advice for your running journey.

Rita Banks

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee

Robin Williamson

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Management Committee
  • Club Chairman
I joined SMM in 2017 primarily because I was nearing my 50s and I wanted to see whether I could still achieve lifetime PBs. Joining the Bats introduced me to a local running scene that I never knew existed and one where it was so easy to fit into any pace or ability. Since joining I've achieved PBs in most distances but more importantly than all of that I've met so many like minded people with the same interests and sense of humour!

Salli Hamilton

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Management Committee
  • Communications